Friday, January 17, 2025

BMD response to CSIS Report and Julius Malema call for regime change in Botswana

Dear Editor

The BMD welcomes the June 2011 report published by the Washington based Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), commissioned by AFRICOM. Though the report does not necessarily represent official American governement policy, it is instructive that it was sponsored by a key American government organ(AFRICOM), and therefore paid for by the American taxpayer. To that extent the findings of the report are quasi official, and have merit in the corridors of policy makers in Washington and around the world. In particular we are pleased to note the following;


1. Acknowledgment by CSIS that a combined opposition will dislodge the BDP from power in the 2014 general elections. It is especially significant that this conclusion was reached before the Opposition Parties resolved to form an Umbrella Party to contest the forthcoming general elections. Equally significant is the fact that this conclusion was arrived at before the historic public sector strike of 18 April -13 June 2011. Our view, also held by many Batswana is that a combined opposition, together with the support of the labour unions, recently expressed, will lead to a change of governement in 2014. We therefore call on democratic forces to draw more motivation from the CSIS report. For the first time since independence a reputable, external Western source has pronounced that 2014 will be the year of change. We urge the Opposition and all democratic forces to be extra vigilant because as the report states, the BDP government out of desperation may seek to sow dissent and disunity within our ranks. The prediction of the CSIS report is consistent with the prophecy made by the famous Zambian seer and traditional intellectual Dr Francis Ngombe that the BDP will lose power after 15 years. Dr Francis Ngombe made his prediction in 1998, and the year 2014 will mark culmination of the 15 years.

2. We share the observation and concern of the CSIS report that President Khama may refuse to step down upon losing power in 2014. We call on all foreign missions based in this country as well as friends of Botswana in the international community to note this observation. It is critical for those who have Botswana’s best interests at heart to ensure that President Khama does the honourable thing and gracefully hands over power in 2014. The BDP government should further state its commitment to a smooth transistion of government and respect the democratic will of the people in 2014.


3. We note the statement by ANC Youth League President Julius Malema for a democratic regime change in Botswana. It is instructive that Mr Malema’s statement follows that of the CSIS(REFERRED TO ABOVE). Our analysis of the situation is that the international community is now embracing the need, and inevitablity of a change of government. Finally the imminent mortality of the BDP government Botswana has attracted international attention. We urge more organisations and individuals to come on board and support the Opposition Partnership advocating for change in Botswana in 2014. With respect to Mr Malema and the ANC Youth League, we will seek to engage them in more detailed dialogue regarding the kind of assistance his organisation can render. We welcome all assistance and support, both locally and abroad, from only those those who support our principle of removing the BDP government through democratic, legitimate and constitutional means at the polls.

Nehemiah Modubule
1 August 2011


Read this week's paper