Resego Kgosidintsi – a member of the Botswana National Front (BNF) who was last week was detained at the Gaborone West Police cells is likely to be charged for Incitement to violence and disobedience of the law contrary to Section 96 of the Penal Code.
Section 96 of the Penal Code reads, “Any person who, without lawful excuse, the burden of proof whereof shall lie upon him, utters, prints or publishes any words, or does any act or thing, indicating or implying that it is or might be desirable to do or omit to do, any act the doing or omission of which is calculated- (a) to bring death or physical injury to any person or to any class, community or body of persons; (b) to lead to the damage or destruction of any property; or (c) to prevent or defeat by violence or by other unlawful means the execution or enforcement of any written law or to lead to defiance or disobedience of any such law, or of any lawful authority, is guilty of an offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years”.
Government Communications Permanent Secretary – Andrew Sesinyi said on Monday that investigations on the Kgosidintsi matter continues adding that her alleged incitement was published on Social Media.
Kgosidintsi’s alleged statement reads, “I am taking initiative together with other young women to organize a march this week, a go big or go home kind of march against Gender Based Violence. Friday everyone must be on the streets, on the roads, outside of their offices, outside classrooms, with their placards and petrol bombs and protest against the inaction of the BDP led government. Buildings will burn, cars will not move, our lives are at risk 24/7. No one must sleep. President Masisi will not sleep”.
Sesinyi further said that Kgosidintsi’s alleged statement encouraged violent conduct by members of the community. Kgosidintsi on the other hand told a press conference following her release from the Police custody that she was arrested for her activism on issues related to Gender Based Violence in the country.
“I was mobilising other women to voice out against Gender Based Violence which is widely reportedly about in local media. GBV is a crisis and I believed I cannot fight it alone thus the need to mobilise other women to help”
Meanwhile by the time of going to press on Monday night the state was yet to press charges against Kgosidintsi despite Sesinyi’s earlier press statement confirming possible charges.