Sunday, October 6, 2024

BTC unveils new suit of wholesale innovative products

The Botswana Telecommunications Corporation (BTC) Friday night launched a wholesale strategy service designed to address the needs of its partners and customers.

The wholesale products ÔÇô ADSL Connect, Metro Ethernet and Botsgate ÔÇô were unveiled by Anthony Masunga, BTC’s Group General Manager ÔÇô Commercial.

Masunga said Wholesale Metro Ethernet was a priority to develop a copper-based access, while ADSL CONNECT has unrolled on an 8MB/s trial and the Corporation will work closely to migrate customers to the new service.

Botsgate has been improved with the development of a set of SLAs, Masunga said. This shows how BTC has changed the way it does business, the way it engages with customers.

He said operating Wholesale in a transparent manner is a foundation principle.

“We have implemented a companywide communications project to educate our business on the principles of operating in an equivalent manner called equal communication,” he said.

Masunga explained that these developments are meant to make it easier to do business with clients, in an open and transparent fashion.

In the short to long term, BTC will do more work in the area, including the creation of a standalone service environment dedicated to wholesale customers.

“As partners, we all share the responsibility to support the growth of the national economy and enable Botswana to be ever more competitive,” he stated.

Paul Taylor, the BTC chief executive, BTC said at the same event that his company shares the responsibility to improve the efficiencies of business and enhance the lives of the citizens and visitors of Botswana.

“We have to create innovative solutions that empower citizens to communicate, to learn, to transact business, in a global economy that is increasingly reliant on mobility and access to data applications,” said Taylor.

He said telecommunications has never been more relevant than today, enabling people to thrive both at home and at work.

Taylor emphasised how BTC is keyed in to its mission “to delight customers”. He stated that BTC Group, has committed in its new mission statement “to achieving their vision of “simply being the best” and tirelessly pursuing the goal of providing clients, and partners with high quality, reliable, affordable services.

He appreciated government’s commitment to ensuring that broadband penetration continues to accelerate in Botswana through further investment in ICT initiatives, such as the Innovation Hub.
“The continued development of a vibrant and sustainable wholesale market in Botswana is an important part of our strategy,” Taylor said.


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