With every thought of intention, action and emotion that is transmitted from us, we set into motion unseen chain effects which vibrate from the mental plane through the entire cellular structure of our bodies out into the environment and finally into the cosmos. Eventually the vibratory energy returns to the original source upon the swing of the pendulum.
Consciousness Coach at Innercore Energetics, Thea Khama through her work teaches this every day. She breathes life into her clients’ existence by guiding them to the highest level of their consciousness such that at every moment their energies are channeled right. She says we are at our best when we resolutely understand what cause and effect is and how it affects our being. She says nothing happens by chance or outside the universal laws, every action has a reaction or consequence and we reap what we sow. “Cause and effect is one of the biggest spiritual laws of the universe. Self is the cause which means I am responsible for all that happens to me. It’s about asking the right questions and learning how to do that requires practice, that is where I come in as a coach,” said Khama.
And like Physicist Sir Isaac Newton, she believes that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. “Every human thought, word and deed is a cause that sets off a wave of energy throughout the universe which in turn creates the effect whether desirable or undesirable. The law states the effect must lead to physical manifestation. This is why good thoughts, words, emotions, and deeds are essential for a better world for they all create good effects,” says Khama.
Khama says most of us as a result of conditioning have repetitions and predictable responses to the stimuli in our environment. She feels our reactions often seem to be automatically triggered by people and circumstances, and we forget that these are still choices that we are making in every moment of our existence, in other words we simply make these choices unconsciously. “If someone bangs my car for instance I could either choose for them to be the cause of my distress for the day and perceive that the world is against me or I could perceive myself as being the cause of ease and flow,” Khama said. She says how we interact with our environment is very unique, but the key is to constantly ask ourselves how we can be the cause of ease and flow in each situation. “If you step back for a moment and witness how you choose to react in your dealings with the outside world, then in just that act of witnessing, you take the whole process from the unconscious realm into the conscious realm. This procedure of conscious choice making and witnessing is very empowering,” said Khama.
She says although we’ve all probably experienced this buoyant state of being at one time or another, most of us don’t experience it enough. “On a regular basis, we deal with setbacks, irritations, frustrations, disruptions, interruptions, and moments of pure exasperation. What’s worse, once we are out of ease and flow, it seems incredibly difficult if not impossible to get back into the flow,” she continued.
“It’s important to understand that this flow comes from within you. It’s not some distant essence that you have to locate and draw from. There are no magic words to recite, and you don’t have to rely on anyone else to make your life more harmonious. On the flip side, just like you are responsible for the times when you’re in flow, you also need to take responsibility for the times when you’re out of flow,” she advised. Khama says most of us tend to blame our outer circumstances for our lack of balance and peace. She says while they can certainly encourage us to have feelings of frustration, anger or impatience, they cannot control our emotions unless we choose to let them. “And the source of flow is our emotions! That’s a crucial point to understand. Feeling in flow, or feeling out of flow, is an indication of whether our emotions are in alignment, or not and that becomes the beginning of our understanding of the cosmic law of cause and effect,” says Khama.