Saturday, September 14, 2024

Events at Lekedi Centre are depressing

You know sometimes when things happen you tell yourself let me wait, maybe things will come out clearly. Sometimes you can make excuses for someone, but eventually when a man sits in front of cameras, aware that there are cameras and what he is saying is going to be broadcast to the masses and he utters words like “I am unapologetic about that decision” then you realise there is little or no difference between Tebogo Sebego and David Fani. You know when we were growing up and our parents asked us about our career prospects and you said a lawyer, they were always disappointed, because according to their notion “di agente ke maherehere, maepa nto” and I really didn’t understand what they meant, because I always fancied myself in a suit arguing my case in court, speaking those fancy English and Latin words, but when I grew up I understood our parent’s notion.

I want to state categorically that my bone of contention today is with agente e gotweng Tebogo Sebego, who came to us under the banner Friends of Football, (1)with promises of working with all stakeholders, (2)transparency, (3)adhering to the ethics of fair play, (4)grassroots development and professionalism; we bought that hook line and sinker! Now I am beginning to feel very depressed at the turn of events at Lekidi Centre, firstly it was his blue eyed boy, Tariq Babitseng, even now we don’t know what happening to him after embezzling the BFA funds, koo teng ka gore oa duetse go raa gore gosiame hela, in a similar case I take my hat off to Rre Maboane wa Gunners, Mrena, o monna gareng ga banna! He returned the money and resigned, this was an opportunity in itself as a lesson to the learned BFA leader to look at this clause of members of NEC giving themselves loans at BFA when national teams can’t have camps because of luck of funds. Jaanonga aa ikadimiwang one a tswa kae? These a few issues that made me wonder what is wrong with this guy, why is he doing things the same way just like bo Fani? O bona kgang ya RPP, ele ya tv, I put it squarely on Sebego’s shoulders because as the legal advisor then, he should have read the contract and advised bo Fani sente, legale ka leene Fani ke agente.

Now what really pains me this man is failing to adhere to a few of the things he campaigned with, lets refer to the above mentioned 1 up to 4 concerning the Kobedi’s under 17. BFA’s Technical Director Sonnyboy Sethibe was not part of the decision to change the structure of under-17 so that automatically means that the coach never complained about his team to the Technical Director, so what motivated the change? If he doesn’t involve the Technical Director and the Head Coach is that transparency? The team has already qualified with the very same technical team, why do you want to change it? What is wrong with Rapelang Tsatsilebe? What is it so special that Ramocha Tsieng is bringing to the national team when it has already qualified? Do we have slaves who do the work the master’s boys who take the glory? Why didn’t Sebego involve those 2 men who are pivotal to the very structure he is changing? In his response I sense arrogance in the part of Sebego and flexing muscles? Sebego, BFA is not your private law firm, you have to give Batswana proper answers when they have questions, aa hase wena o rileng wena o irela sechaba, aa jaanong gose kgakgahalela ke go se direla?

Batswana are pinning their hopes on the under 17 as the future Zebras, Sebego was there when David Bright’s under 23 was phenomenal, that’s what we want to see and much better, what a better time than in 3 years with this same crop of under 17? This team is the team that can take our dreams far in 5-10 years from now, but with you antics and shenanigans, we are bound to fail again ntse re lebile and because of 1 man, Tebogo Sebego. Where is you grassroots development strategy Sebego when you frustrate these kids, who some had to sacrifice the school work for the nation? Their parents had to be convinced that they will be taken care of with their studies, this is how you repay those parents? Why do you allow members of your executive committee to loan themselves money then you turn around and claim that there is no money to prepare the team for such a huge tournament? Where do your loyalties lie, with your friends or with the results of the national team? Were you not the one to say the BFA shouldn’t just depend of BNSC for money instead they should source the own funding? Ok then the learned Sebego, can you tell us what efforts have you made to assist the under 17 since you have learned they have qualified financially?

How many business have you approached to sponsor this magnificent team? Someone reading this might think that I have too many questions, but that the reality of the matter. In-fact how I wish I could meet Tebogo Sebego face to face and ask him these questions, jaanong ka kele esemang ke taa mmona kae?Jaanong oa e bona kgang ya gore di agente ke maepanto?

I was really astonished by Sebego’s arrogance, it is creeping in slowly, he declined to meet the senior national team players to hear their concerns and now he makes serious decisions without considering involving the Technical Director and The National Team coach. Doesn’t Sethibe make a part of the NEC, kana jang? You see in this country, big guys make corrupt decisions everyday so much that it is intrinsic into their DNA, there are people who defend them of their corrupt practices, corruption is like cancer and I see Sebego is showing symptoms of that cancer.

Corruption is not about money laundering only, abusing your power and sabotage is corruption. Tebego Sebego owes the nation an explanation concerning this matter ka gore our team is going to be humiliated in Morocco and nna I hold Tebego Sebego responsible for that.

On a parting note, Tebogo Sebogo can you sort out whatever probelms you have with Btv so that the national team games can be broadcast to the masses? Kana malatsi ano there is serious black out, even updates on live games in news doesn’t get mentioned. I don’t know whether its Sebego or Edson Malebane, but gentlemen you need to do this nation and the sponsors justice by broadcasting every game of all the national team irrespective of age or whether is a friendly of a FIFA game. The nationa teams are the nation’s pride, rothe re bina pitse e thilodi, gongwe ha le itse. Ana ruri re taa bonwa emang rona barati ba kgwele ya dinao ka ko Switzerland gole kgakala. Amen

Mojalemotho Mothogaesi


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