Wednesday, September 11, 2024

FCB eyes Green Climate Fund monies

Forest Conservation Botswana (FCB), a non- profit making company mandated to manage the Tropical Forest Conservation Fund (TFCF) in Botswana, has applied for accreditation as Botswana’s National Implementing Entity (NIE), through which the funds from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) will be routed. 

This came to light during a press briefing hosted by the institution’s Chief Executive Officer, Joshua Moloi at FCB’s board room, Tuesday. The briefing was to inform members of the press about the forthcoming General Assembly of Consortium of African Funds for the Environment (Caf├®) which FCB will host from 3rd to 7th September in Kasane. The main activity of the assembly, Moloi said is the capacity building workshop for members under the theme: ‘Fundraising and Climate Financing’

“It is a well known fact that lack of access to climate finance affects environmental funds in Africa and one of the main objectives of CAF├ë is to catalyze support for the environmental funds to access resources from financial partners, part of which could be done through collaborations by partner countries,” said Moloi.

GCF is a Fund established under the Conference of Parties (COP) 21 ÔÇôalso Paris Agreement- to capacitate developing countries to tackle impacts of climate change; and Moloi’s pronouncement came almost a year after the Minister of Environment, Tshekedi Khama told FCB’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) that FCB is to be Botswana’s NIE.

The action taken by FCB is indicative of the fact that Botswana is advancing steps to tap into the GCF. Projects that will be funded through this fund will be aimed at mitigating (devising means of reducing climate change impacts), and adapting (means of living with impacts of climate change). FCB is through its mandate-implemented through funding various projects by Non Governmental Organization (NGOs), Community Based Organizations (CBO), Private Sector and Research institutions-playing a pivotal role in mitigation and adaptation.

Moloi informed members of the press that among the many reasons that qualified FCB to host the Caf├® general assembly is its reputable accounting which has seen it consecutively completing eight clean audits. It only follows therefore, that it is identified by the government as suitable NIE.

An interview with Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Environment, Thabang Botshoma last year revealed that an NIE should be a financing entity of good repute; capable, and with a history of comfortably handling large sums of funds. It should be approved by the GCF panel of adjudicators for accreditation.  

“Those willing to apply for accreditation need to be familiar with the NIE self-assessment criterion which include but is not limited to GCF Basic Fiduciary principles and standards, GCF specialized fiduciary principles, GCF Environmental and Social Safeguards as well as Record and Policy alignment,” explained Botshoma.


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