Every day when you stand in front of a mirror, you want to check two things: first it’s yourself and, secondly, anything that could be developing in your facial skin.
If you discover something, you immediately get worried and, at times, you become aggressive and you may start destroying it if possible. It’s quite a common practice with pimples! Any pimple on your face will be pressed or squeezed without notice. If it doesn’t break, your day becomes miserable! And each time someone greets you, the thought of the pimple comes to your mind and you may want to cover it with your hand!
As you see, skin problems affect your looks, beauty, self esteem, confidence and even productivity, especially through absenteeism. Fungal infections are among other condition that tend to affect people in areas like the face, neck, chest, back, thighs, legs, feet and the head.
What is common with fungal infections?
Fungi are a group of small and simple living things that are plant like and cannot survive on their own. They are found in human beings, plants and environment in general.
In human beings fungal infections tend to:
ÔÇó Occur in moist areas like skin folds, genitals, mouth and feet.
ÔÇó Affect skin pigmentation
ÔÇó Can cause itching and discomfort.
ÔÇó Show a slow growth and tend to spread to other areas if not given medical attention.
ÔÇó Can be stubborn to treatment; can take weeks to respond to treatment, especially in adults.
What are the common types?
Athlete’s foot: presents as a sore in between the toes. Common in people with sweaty feet, people who use public showers (not properly cleaned), chronic disease like diabetes, poorly ventilated boots (dirifi). It presents with itching, discomfort and pain.
Ring worm: presents with a round patch, itchy and tend to show a healthy skin in the middle. It is common in kids but may also affect adults especially if there is an underlying disease, usually chronic. Ringworms can develop anywhere in the body and they are contagious. It is a curable condition but adults may need to do other relevant investigations as advised by the attending healthcare provider.
Versicolor: this type of infection presents in the chest, back and may spread to the neck, arms, face and legs. It is commonly called ‘madi’ ÔÇô a street name. It is common in teens and young adults. It presents with light round skin patches that tend to merge as they advance. It may itch or just be silent. This is a treatable condition although it tends to be stubborn. The treatment usually takes weeks.
People should avoid using battery powders and brake fluid in attempts to cure it. These could be poisonous to your skin and may cause scars. Some battery powders contain dangerous chemicals that may in the long term harm your kidneys, affect fertility and even your brain. Just consult and get the right treatment.
Jock itch: affects the pubic area, thigh skin folds and may spread to the anal region. It commonly presents with itching, which can really make one’s day miserable, and even deny them a good sleep. It is contagious and can be transferred from one person to other through direct skin contact.
Scalp infection (dikwaba): this is very common in kids and is contagious. Kids tend to give it to others and for this reason it may be recurrent. It is a curable condition and one needs to ensure that when a kid presents with it they properly get treated. Again no battery acids and noxious chemicals on children scalps please!
Mouth infections: A common bug called Candida (yeast) tend to cause thrush in certain individuals. This can show in the tongue, inner cheek lining and the throat. If this infection recurs one needs to consult for medical advice.
Private parts: The penis and vagina tend to be affected by the same bug named above. It commonly affects women and may presents with itching, white thick discharge that has no odour. Circumcision reduces its chances in men.
What are the common forms of treatment?
The medications used for fungal infections come in different preparations. One may get tablets, persaries creams and sometimes gels or drops for the mouth infections. It is vital to note that fungal infections may take some time to heal and hence patience is important.
How can fungal infections be prevented?
ÔÇó If you have sweaty feet, ensure that you wear well ventilated shoes, avoid plastic shoes, wipe and dry your feet well, use foot powder if possible, wear dry socks and boots and change your socks regularly.
ÔÇó Wipe and dry skin folds of the thighs, buttock, back and neck.
ÔÇó Get professional help and follow medical advice.
ÔÇó Get a regular screen for chronic illnesses.
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