Friday, February 14, 2025

Gov’t commits to build capacity of local producers

LOBATSE – The Government has indicated that it intends to build capacity within the local economy to ensure that production of goods and services meets the required quality standards including those produced by small medium and micro enterprises (SMMES).

Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Trade and Industry Gideon Mmolawa on Friday told the commemorations of the world accreditation day held in Lobatse that even though Botswana continues to develop a robust quality infrastructure including establishing and supporting institutions that verify and ensure that products and services meet standards and technical specifications there is need to do more.

 “WAD is a global initiative jointly established by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) to raise awareness on the importance and benefits of Accreditation in the socio-economic development of every country,” said Mmolawa.

He said commemorations are in line with the government commitment of ensuring that services are evenly distributed to all citizens throughout the country.

Mmolawa highlighted that the world economy including ours is heavily dependent on the extraction of natural resources delivered by a healthy environment as part of the eco-system.

“We continue to put the eco-system under severe strain and consume the natural resources at a disturbing rate.  The United Resource Outlook (UN) Environmental`s Global Resources Outlook 2019, reports that resource extraction and processing was the cause of 90% biodiversity loss and water stress. It also contributed about 50% of greenhouse gases (GHS) emissions,” he said.

He stated that a paradigm shift to more sustainable forms of production that are less resource intensive and more focused on climate mitigation are essential for long term economic growth. 

“Accreditation provides for a competent, reliable and impartial testing and inspection of goods and services produced and used by both, industry and the public. These can be evaluated by accredited testing and calibration laboratories, certification bodiesand inspection bodies (collectively known as conformity assessment bodies). Therefore, accrediting organizations play a key role by building confidence in the market place where quality and safe products, that meet minimum standards as required by regulations, are provided to be used for the intended purpose,”

 “It also ensures that the products and services that have been procured meet specification and result in maintaining a good quality of life,” said Mmolawa.

He also said Botswana has made strides as government has established the National Accreditation Focal Point (NAFP) which is housed within the Ministry of Trade and Industry.  He said the NAFP was established in order to promote the benefits of accreditation and market Southern African Development Community Accreditation Services (SADCAS) activities.


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