It is high time we hear the entire opposition leadership and their activists openly condemning corrupt government officials instead of shielding them by shifting the blame to the BDP.
Some corrupt government officials are sitting in their offices with loaded pockets of dirty money they benefited through white collar crimes and blue collar crimes and laughing at politicians. Corrupt government officials will always be there regardless of the political party in power.
The UDC must not turn the war on corruption into an exercise of playing small-time and cheap politics. If their mission is not to sabotage, to undermine and discredit the ruling party, they must be heard loud and clear condemning corrupt government officials and their ineffective Boards and even calling for their sacking.
It is also time our media exposed the UDC as bluff that they are. If their mission is not to sabotage, to undermine and discredit the ruling party, let them take their stories to the relevant institutions of governance instead of spreading propaganda, gossip and rumours.
On the other hand, and without shame, Dithapelo Keorapetse is busy insulting the integrity of former BCP members who choose to enjoy their democratic rights by quitting the dead and once upon a time BCP to join the BDP.
He continues to make malicious and scandalous allegations that BDP has paid them…..That’s cheap politics and clear sour grapes…….either Dithapelo Keorapetse is in great physical pain, or that is his thinking expression.
We are aware that Dithapelo Keorapetse is bitter and frustrated and has fallen prey to his own fabricated illusions.
He must be reminded that BDP will never bow down to conspiratists who have not themselves written great masterpieces.
Can I remind Dithapelo Keorapetse that shameless conspiratists like him will always be there in politics to stain the pure image of the BDP with their dirty tongues and brushes, but the BDP will always remain as white as snow, no matter how high the quality of paint they use. The trouble with conspiracies is that they rot internally.
BDP will NEVER pay anyone and has never.
May I further remind all patriots that BMD is a threat to the political stability of Botswana…..chilling stuff they say and our media never challenge them….
╬╗ Plot to eliminate Wynter Mmolotsi Emerges: Asked about a plot to beat up or even kill Mmolotsi, Modubule dismissed it.
╬╗ BMD
UDC’s hit l ist ÔÇô real or imagined. UDC SAYS PRESIDENT KHAMA HAS HIT LIST. Meanwhile Mokgware, a former soldier, said that he was aware that Khama was using security agents to instil fear amongst those who support UDC.
╬╗ BMD
Opposition leader Duma Boko believes he foiled an assassination plot at his Tlokweng residence on …
╬╗ BMD
An alleged hit-man or assassin who went to a local publication with a story that he was hired by the intelligence organ, the Directorate of Intelligence and Security (DIS), to eliminate Hon. Pius Mokgware.
Opposition MPs in parliament stood up strongly against Minister Eric Molale’s rebuttal on the assassination allegations by Richard Kgothang. They felt that it it was a petty issue and should not have been brought to Parliament…..! What a farce! Eric Molale made it very clear in parliament that the allegation were a blatant smear campaign in an attempt by the UD to tarnish the good name of the Government and that of the security organs…..and further to discredit the ruling party.
The opposition leadership is not taking Batswana seriously! Lies for political expediency are unproductive and tarnishing the good image of our beautiful country internationally.
╬╗ UDC has now turned our Parliament into theatre for abuse, insults and hooliganism. Hon MPs Haskins Nkaigwa, Dithapelo Keorapetse and Chilliboy Kgoroba are on suspension due to their hooliganism behaviour.
╬╗ BMD
Ndaba Gaolathe flees home following assassination threat….BMD.
╬╗ BMD
BMD alleges Motswaledi was assassinated and have been failing to release Gomolemo Motswaledi’s death report since August 2015!
The UDC Chairman Nehemiah Modubule made it very clear three weeks ago at a BMD Press Conference that the Gomololemo Motswaledi’s death report is with the UDC and was wondering why it was not being released. UDC is all a lie. UDC’s survival is based on lies and it shall continue to be lies propagated by the UDC leadership who are desperate for power.
╬╗ BMD
Boko said Motshwarakgole, who instead of attending the well-attended rally had to go for medical attention, is said to be on the alleged hit list.
╬╗ BMD
UDC Parliamentary candidate Major General Pius Mokgware claims to have information indicating that BDP have put in place mechanism to rig General Elections.
To the UDC supporters I say, none are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. If I were to quit politics, I would rather spend every sunday of my life hanging off a cliff to rescue someone than spend one more time sitting in a pew next to hypocrites that talk about imaginary assassinations and murders. If there were a verb meaning “to believe falsely,” it would not have any significant first person, present indicative.
A misleading perception or false belief is increasingly being perpetuated that the unconscious or the intuitive is all that really matters in any spiritual endeavor, and that the conscious, rational, logical, analytical mind is the mortal enemy of spiritual awareness and soul growth.
To those who believe that the UDC can do miracles once elected into power I say; In spite of all the common sense and facts put before some opposition evil haters regarding regarding imaginary assassinations by their leadership they choose fiction and malicious allegations over common sense. It seems their minds have been politically poisoned and their accepted beliefs are unnatural and artificial just for political expediency.
For political expediency, most UDC fanatics aren’t interested in the truth. They’re interested in what scores political points for the UDC. They’re interested in a tale being spun…
Not long ago the UDC President Duma Boko incited protesters to beat up the Police…!! He said that the law allows it. A few days later, a UDC activist and Lawyer Obonye Jonas made another reckless and irresponsible statement on Facebook…!! He said that ‘Citizens may resist unlawful arrest to the point of taking an arresting officer’s life if necessary’… ‘Not only beat up an officer as suggested by Duma Boko… but taking away life… he’s literally advising citizens to kill a police officer in their line of duty……..
I may not be a student of law, BUT surely this is Reckless and irresponsible, serially deceptive…..
Some followers of Duma Boko have simply shut the eye of reason……Indeed the way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason. They have the great merit of agreeing with everything Duma Boko says, no matter how reckless and irresponsible it is. It seems the man may even advice his followers to carry out a suicide bomber mission and by the Look of things, they will gladly accept.
Irresponsible and reckless talk does not cease to be irresponsible and reckless simply because it was said by Duma Boko.
Read below a man justifying wrong just to show solidarity with his Hero…!! This is a Facebook post by one Busang Manewe…….
Busang Manewe wrote:
“Molao o thata. Cde Boko Duma is being accused of being irresponsible for saying protestors can beat up the police when they try to arrest them. I have heard some people repeatedly saying that irresponsible and he must be taken to task. I think it is an elementary legal position that an unlawful arrest constitute an assault on the arrestee thereby entitling the person being unlawfully arrested to use force to repel the unlawful arrest. At law school as early as third year, we were made to read the famous case of France Setshameko vs The State, which confirms this position. I guess those in doubt should google the case and read it before they embarrass themselves.”
It is a great pity that as the BDP we have sat back and allowed a vocal group of misguided opposition fanatics to saw seeds of lawlessness daily at private radio stations, social media public forums. We have done very little to engage these fanatics in a proper debate. Our media is also adding salt to injury by failing to call the UDC leadership to account for their irresponsible statements.