Fourteen years after the death of a 14-year-old girl, Segametsi Mogomotsi, who was allegedly murdered for ritual purposes while a student at Radikolo Junior Community Secondary School in Mochudi, one of the men wrongly accused in her death says that since he won the case at the High Court, the government has not compensated him.
He said he wants closure.
In an exclusive interview with The Sunday Standard Sekobye Mokgalo, a father of 2 boys and three girls, from Bosejwa Ward in Mochudi, said that since he won the case about three years ago, “the government has not even compensated me even a single thebe”.
With tears running down his face, Mokgalo said, “I have suffered a lot, humiliated and my dignity was taken away by something I never did.”
He said his life is deteriorating on a daily basis because of this case.
“As I speak to you now, you can see that I am sick. I struggle to sit on a chair and I also struggle to walk.”
Mokgalo said his wife Elizabeth passed away about three years ago before she could get closure in the case.
“If wishes were horses, I would like to meet with President Khama and narrate to him every thing that happened and even how I live presently.”
He said even though he was discharged by the court, he wants the government to release the Scotland Yard report “which I think will suggest people who were involved in the death of Segametsi”.
He said by that, the nation would know the truth that they have long being waiting for.
Mokgalo said he is left with nothing to show that he worked before both his house and business were set alight by the mob that suspected him of involvement in the young girl’s murder.
He said he is ready to meet with Segametsi’s family who he thinks also need closure and the whole truth about what happened to their child, and “to share our experiences and comfort each other and pave way for a healing process”.
He concluded by saying, “I only need justice and peace of mind but not sympathy.”
Another suspect, who was detained and later released, Skara Aphiri, a father of 1 boy and three girls, said, “I share the same sentiments with Mokgalo that we want closure.”
He continued, “I suffered a lot even today but the only person who really stood by my side during that trying time was father Dermort who was, at that time, based at St Paul in Mochudi.
“As you might be aware, my wife divorced me after my property was set alight by what I strongly still suspect were some Botswana National Front members.”
He said society has slowly accepted him back even though some hardly speak to him, pointing out that this is part of life.
“I have already started writing a book about Segametsi Mogomotsi events and the book will be based on truth.”
The Deputy Director of the Criminal Investigation Department, Mr. Mataeyo Maduwane, said that murder does not have a statute of limitations, that is, it will not lapse and will be prosecuted over a lifetime.
He said if, even after twenty years, concrete evidence emerges they would investigate the matter and send the docket to the Director of Public Prosecutions.
Meanwhile, a psychologist who asked for anonymity, said, “If one needs closure, one has to open up despite having won a case in court on whatever grounds. Both parties have to meet but healing is a process; it takes time.”