Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Mmolotsi urges Khama to learn from visiting Namibian President

Opposition Umbrella for Democratic Change Member of Parliament Wynter Mmolotsi has called upon the President Ian Khama to take a leaf from his visiting Namibian counterpart Dr Hage Gottfried Geingob who has since declared his assets and liabilities upon resuming office.

Officially addressing Parliament Monday, Geingob said he voluntarily declared his assets and liabilities including those of his wife upon taking office in his country.

“This is lesson the current leadership should be copying from their neighbouring counterparts. Here comes a man who voluntarily declared his assets and liabilities without even a law in place. He is leading by example and calling his counterpart (Khama) to follow suit,” noted Mmolotsi in an interview.

“Politicians of today are deemed selfish, accruing wealth by virtue of their political status in the eyes of the public. But here comes a man who put his assets and liabilities to a test before he resumed office, for the doubting public to compare his wealth before and after office,” he added.

Opposition MP’s sat stoned faced as the President sang the praises of the country’s low corruption levels. According to Mmolotsi, corruption in the country has reached high proportions for anybody to see.

“These international agencies conduct business ratings without even setting the foot on the ground of the respective countries. The situation on the ground about this country’s corruption is appalling,” said Mmolotsi.

Geingob first arrived in Francistown in 1962 as a refugee in the country while conducting SWAPO guerilla warfare to topple the South African minority which will be achieved nearly 3 decades later. He now calls himself a refugee President.


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