Although he joined the opposition BCP late last year and was only recently roped in to replace Nthusi who opted for further studies, Moalosi is optimistic to snatch the constituency from BDP’s Fidelis Molao.
In an interview, Moalosi averred that the BDP is this time disarray as Onkabetse Daniel registered as an independent candidate after losing to Molao in the ruling party’s controversial primaries.
The BCP has been working hard to gain inroads in the constituency in the past. Although Dr Habaudi Hobona lost twice to the late Baledzi Gaolathe and later to Molao after Gaolathe’s death, the party has nonetheless scooped three of the council wards.
With Daniel set to inflict some damage on the BDP, Moalosi is confident that his party can pull a win from the ruling party. He is optimistic that the absence of Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) in the race and with potential to split opposition votes, his party stands a very good chance.
“BCP has always been working hard and made inroads in the constituency. It has three council wards in its favor while the ruling has the remaining six. The BDP will suffer more from vote splitting because one of their contentious primaries losers has entered the race as an independent. The independent parliamentarian (Daniel) has fielded at least four councillors and this puts the BDP on slippery ground. The contest by independents should work in our favour”, said Moalosi who once led a petition against government over failed serviced land and plots allocation delivery to the constituents and Batswana in general.
“There are serious concerns that the BDP is failing to deliver serviced land to ordinary Batswana who have been on waiting lists for far too long. Like employment, land allocation is a serious issue that BDP has failed to correct in its 48 years of independence.
People are big are allocated plots on land that has not been serviced with provision of water electricity. Some people who have been allocated plots are with without essential services and angry. The waiting lists for land allocation for commercial, industrial and commercial use are a thorny issue that the BDP has failed to correct. It does not only affect people in our constituency but the country in general especially the cities and peri-urban areas. Our intention to petition the minister over the issue has been welcomed by a lot of Batswana who have been on the waiting lists for many years. This issue should certainly prop up our campaign. BCP is the only party in the country that joined us when lamented the problem” said the 34 year old Moalosi.
The other issue underlying his campaign is acute shortage of water in the constituency despite proximity to Shashe and Ntimbale dams. He decried that water provision is constantly disrupted as if it is not a fundamental human right.
He lambasted government for bypassing the constituency to supply water to Serowe despite earlier promises that the constituency would be supplied from Ntimbale dam.
Moalosi claimed it is only part of Sebina village that is supplied with water from Ntimbale Dam while the whole constituency is faced with acute water shortage.
Despite being a relatively new comer in the constituency, Moalosi is unfazed maintaining that as a resident of Marapong village, he knows the challenges that the constituents face.
“I do not believe being a new comer will disadvantage in any way because people in the constituency are yearning for change and receiving developments which they have been getting from the BDP.
He decried that unemployment is very high and to solve the problem they will establish the Shashe Development Trust with the sole purpose of identifying opportunities that can be tapped to create permanent employment for the unemployed.
The economic opportunities will include fish farming from Shashe River and Marapong dam which has a borehole that can service fish farm.
As for dairy farming and horticulture projects, Moalosi cited the Nshakazhogwe community farm and another state farm at Lekoba which is currently under-utilized. He said if farmers are properly empowered, they will use water from Shashe River which cuts across most of the villages for their horticulture projects and in the process create jobs thus alleviating the problem of rampant unemployment in the constituency.
The political aspirant said they have indentified cash crops like the industrial hemp that has over 25 uses for production of paper, textiles, building materials, bio-fuel, body lotion and others.
He maintained that his vision for developing Shashe West resonates with BCP policies on beneficiation and processing as an alternative engine of economic diversification for creation of permanent jobs for the unemployed.  
“BCP is a party that believes in processing and beneficiation of the country’s raw materials for creation of thousands of jobs for the unemployed multitudes”.
Moalosi said once in parliament, he will join hands with other legislators who advocate for beneficiation and processing to help the country graduate from its current state of a net importer of goods and services to a producer since the country is endowed with a lot of minerals that are currently being exported in raw form and thus creating jobs in foreign countries.
“It is clear that government’s failure to implement a clear cut policy on beneficiation and processing is killing the country economic diversification drive. Botswana produces a lot of minerals and things that can be processed locally. As the BCP we believe in the implementation of deliberate policies to empower our people through creation of permanent jobs instead of temporary jobs that the current ruling government is content with”, said Moalosi adding that currently the country copper and nickel is being processed in countries like Zimbabwe and Norway instead of establishing refinery plants locally.
He said the same extends to the country’s beef that is exported in raw form to the European market which in turn establishes processing plants for creation of permanent jobs for its people.
Asked where he will get money to implement the various projects he cites because government is on record bemoaning economic recession, Moalosi said he does not agree with that explanation because every year government ministries return hundreds of millions of Pula back to the treasury unutilized.
“I do not agree that Botswana does not have money. A lot of money allocated for development projects is returned to the government treasury while people are starved of services. That is not right. It shows that the ruling party is tired and does not think outside the box. We need a new government that is innovative and we believe Botswana Congress Party is ready to provide the alternative”, said Moalosi.
The other challenge for his constituency is lack of a hospital maintain that there are only three doctors covering the constituency with over 37 000 people. “There are only three doctors serving over 30 people. A lot Batswana trained doctors are working outside the country because is failing to create a conducive working environment and suitable working conditions in their country. BCP will ensure that the situation is changed so that the country attracts citizen doctors to come back and serve their fellow Batswana”.
The parliamentary aspirant also decried that Shashe West does not have a senior secondary school despite its huge population. He is concerned that the teachers in the constituency don’t appropriate accommodation and this resulted in deterioration of the quality of education in the whole of the country.
“As the BCP we believe the constitution has to be overhauled. It is outdated and does not resonate with current democratic developments. There is need for political funding, direct election of the president, autonomous Independent Electoral Commission and other government institutions which are currently are the direct control of the ministry of state president. The judicial system has to be enhanced. There is no justification why judges are still being appointed by the president. Appointment of judges should be subjected to public approval in order to enhance transparency and credibility”, said Molaosi.
He further observed that litigation is very expensive in Botswana and a lot of ordinary Batswana are unable to access judicial services.
In conclusion he said his parties agree fully with the piloting of legal aid but wants the roll out of the project to be expedited so as to cover more indigent litigants.