Vision 2016 Coordinator, Dr Collie Monkge, will leave the Council on 07th June this year.
This is after the Council did not renew his contract, The Telegraph has learnt.
Monkge’s departure comes at a time when there is growing concern that some Vision 2016 targets may not be tenable and at a time when the Council is struggling to come to terms with that fact with only three years remaining to realize Vision 2016 goals.
In a brief interview, Monkge confirmed his impending departure.  
“Yes, I can confirm that I’m leaving the Council on May 7th; I’m quitting,” he said. He declined to discuss the details of his departure, noting only that he will be leaving the Council on good terms.
┬á“I will be around in Botswana to do other things; more focused, coordinating the ideals or goals of Vision 2016. I will have to leave; I have been the Vision 2016 Coordinator for quite some time. The time has come for me to move on to focus on other things,” he said.
Information reaching The Telegraph further suggests that Monkge has had a difficult relationship with his political principal, the Minister for Presidential Affairs and Public Administration, Mokgweetsi Masisi.
Vision 2016 Council Chairman, Martin Makgatlhe, declined to comment.
“The Council will release official information, let’s not preempt everything. At this point in time there is nothing I can say,” said Makgatlhe.
Makgathe also demanded to know who the source of the information about Monkge’s impending departure was.
“Who told you about that? Perhaps those people could furnish your with more details or confirm that Monkge is leaving. If you don’t mind you may wait for an official correspondence from our office,” said Makgathe.
The Telegraph sought to establish if the Council had found Monkge’s replacement.
Sources reiterated that the Council is fighting tooth and nail to ensure that challenges threatening the realization of Vision 2016 goals are minimized.
“We are only left with four years to realize vision 2016 but we are confronted with high employment rate, poverty; eradicating absolute poverty’ is unachievable, and the vision goal of eliminating serious and violent crime. It is not an easy road for the Council because some of the ideals may not be realized,” said a source.