Friday, January 24, 2025

Mr. Dumelang Saleshando’s comments on the Solid Morning Drive on Monday 13th June 2011

Dear Editor

On the Solid Morning Drive today, it was alleged by the leader of the opposition BCP Mr Dumelang Saleshando that His Excellency the President Seretse Khama Ian Khama blamed his party for inciting the strikers and was also accused of cowardice.

When H.E. was in the U.S he visited our Embassies in Washington D.C. and New York.   There he met with the staff, students and other Batswana. 

A Question and Answer (Q&A) session had been arranged as they all wanted to be briefed on the ongoing strike and other matters in Botswana.┬á It was during these sessions that His Excellency, when asked about the ongoing strike, mentioned the Opposition parties’ involvement.┬á He never singled out any opposition party as stated by Mr Saleshando.

It was not “cowardice” that he spoke to Batswana in the U.S about the strike as alleged by Mr Saleshando rather than addressing the Nation.┬á┬á His Excellency had voiced the same sentiments when addressing the Higher Level Consultative Council (HLCC) in Gaborone recently which was televised and reported on Radio Botswana.

Firstly those people overseas needed to be briefed on what was happening; secondly, H.E did inform them accurately that the opposition parties had caused incitement resulting in lawlessness and that it was a political opportunism of the worst order.

Maleta Mogwe                                                                                             
Press Secretary to the President


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