Saturday, February 8, 2025

Police investigating gruesome murder that hints at ritual purposes

In a dramatic twist of events, Broadhurst police say they have launched an intensive search for missing body parts that belong to Sebe Maepa, 35, a private security guard who was raped and murdered, ostensibly for ritual purposes  while on duty at the Glen Valley sewerage ponds.

Maepa went missing almost two months ago.

Information gathered by The Telegraph suggests that last week, Broadhurst police managed to capture and detain the prime suspect who is linked to the gruesome killing of Maepa. 

It has also emerged that during police interrogation the prime suspect confessed to how, when accompanied by a Zimbabwean traditional healer who is still at large, the two removed Maepa’s private parts, armpits as well as the knee cap. The suspect told the police that after removing the body parts they cooked them before bathing with the concoction.

Police were also left dumfounded when the suspect revealed that the purpose of cooking and bathing with the body parts was to make him become very strong and invisible when the police try to trace his whereabouts.

It is further reported that the suspect is a regular police customer as he has pending robbery cases before courts. 

However the suspect’s sister was recently arrested after being found in-possession of the deceased cell phone.

It is reported that the sister told the police that his brother gave her the phone as a gift and did not suspect anything.

Detective superintendent Lenkwetse Philemon of Broadhurst police station confirmed to this publication that his investigators are looking for human body parts that belong to the deceased.

He said sometime last week police managed to capture the alleged prime suspect who is linked to the death of Maepa.

 “As you might be aware this is a very sensitive case therefore it needs to be given the proper respect that it deserves as it has the potential of inciting the public,“ he said. 

Detective Philemon revealed how deceased’s private parts were removed during the incident. 

“We strongly believe that the investigators will locate the whereabouts of the missing body parts”.

Family spokesperson, Kabelo Obotseng, said they have been devastated by the gruesome killing of Maepa. He said the deceased was last seen on the 30th of May when she went to work. 

“I tried calling her on her mobile phone but the phone was off air.”

He said a few days later, the family went to the police station and reported her missing. 

“The family is really happy on how the police conducted the investigations.”

Meanwhile, last week Thursday, Olebogeng Nfila, 37, of Mathangwane village was arraigned before the Broadhurst magistrate court on a single count of murder.

Case prosecutor inspector Oamogetswe Gaboutlwelwe told the court that the investigations are still ongoing as the suspect has been arrested. She told the court that the suspect should be remanded in custody to allow police to carry on with investigations without any interference.   

He is scheduled to appear again before court on June 27th.


Read this week's paper