Sunday, February 9, 2025

PPADB concerned about inflated prices charged government by contractors

The Public Procurement Asset Disposal Board Executive Director (supplies), Idah Maitumelo Marumo, has lamented the mounting incidents in which contractors and suppliers rip the government’s public coffers, charging exorbitant prices for goods and services whose quality and standards are way below par.

Speaking at a PPADB workshop conducted under the theme “Improved public procurement system: well informed for the better service and better accountability” held at Boipuso Hall, Marumo on decried the glaring deteriorating state of affairs in the contractors circles, arguing such a trend was frustrating government’s relentless efforts to diversify and build a sustainable economy.

Citing the recent Economic Diversification Drive, designed by government to diversify the economy and eradicate poverty as well as create wealth for the people of Botswana, Marumo maintained such a noble exercise would not be achievable should the trend continue unabated.

“Started recently, the thrust of EDD is to develop private sector’s productive capacity as well as to create employment in Botswana,” she noted, adding, “However it is worrisome that some suppliers and service providers quote inflated prices to the government, pricing up to three times more than what the goods and services are worth.”

She continued: “This is not accepted as government purchasing power will be compromised as the government will now have to buy goods and services at a price three times higher than the market price.”

She insisted that “there are issues of substandard quality of goods and services being delivered and late deliveries, unnecessary request for price increase adjustments, inappropriate executions of contracts and so on”.

“Non-compliance with principles and intended purpose of this strategy will not be accepted,” Marumo warned, urging the delisting and suspension of defaulting contractors in the near future.


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