Friday, February 7, 2025

Some police officers claim to be intimidated over Tsimako’s┬áparty

Police officers around the country are reported to be upset that their superiors are threatening them for failing to contribute towards former Botswana Police Commissioner Thebeyame Tsimako’s retirement party.

Officers are incensed at threats that those who did not contribute will not be promoted.

Botswana Police Service Assistant Commissioner, Christopher Mbulawa, stated that it would be unfortunate if superior officers threatened their juniors for failing to contribute towards the party.

He explained that the contributions were voluntary and should not be used to intimidate those who failed to contribute.

Mbulawa advised those police officers who have been threatened to report the issue to the current commissioner.

He could not dispute that, in the past, there had been similar complaints from police officers who had complained that they were intimidated for failing to contribute towards Tsimako’s farewell party.

 He advised that the superiors should not use issues to intimidate their juniors.

Mbulawa conceded that a letter was forwarded to police stations requesting officers to contribute towards Tsimako’s farewell party.

┬á“The letter emphasized the contributions were voluntary and no one was forced to contribute,” said Mbulawa. “I am not downplaying their concern but I don’t think that their failure to contribute could be used to intimidate them.”

Police officers who spoke on condition of anonymity told Sunday Standard  that their superiors intimidated them for failing to contribute though they were informed that it was voluntary.
It was the police officers who also claimed that their supervisors had also indicated that those who failed will not be considered for promotion this year.

 It is not the first time that police officers in Botswana Police Service are expressing dissatisfaction about their non-contribution towards the retirement of police commissioners.


Read this week's paper