The curtains came down and a victor emerged but the ball is still rolling for Zambian Big Brother Africa Contestant Sulu as he spreads his wings and explores all his talents.
Who knew that singing was one of them?
He was Big Brother Africa’s funny man and many hearts were broken when he was unexpectedly booted out of The Chase but rest assured Africa, you have not heard the last of Sulu. If it is true housemates put up an act when they enter the Big Brother Africa House Sulu is definitely an exception.
Sulu is in Botswana to perform his hit single which debuted at the season finale titled ‘Ruby’. He will be performing alongside General Ozzy and our very own Eva May at the Trekkers night clubs in Gaborone and Maun. This was made possible by promotion guru Zenzele Hirschfield through Zen Promotion and night club mogul Tops Masole of Pleasant Worthy and Trekkers night club.
As a means of giving back to the community Zen Promotions, Pleasent Worthy and Sedibeng Lodge also made a handsome
donation to Childline Botswana in the form of first aid kits and medicines for the children they house.
What you saw in the House is what you get outside; the comedian in him does not require an invitation. But the Zambian dons an uncharacteristically serious expression when asked about his upbringing and understandably so.
“I grew up in the ghetto and life was incredibly difficult for me and my siblings,” he says. “My father passed away when I was just ten and my mother had to raise six children on her own.”
Unbeknown to many, Sulu actually played top league football for Lusaka Dynamos in Zambia before going for trials at South African Premier League side Amazulu FC in 2006 but could not make the cut.
He says after that he went back to Zambia and worked in the family business as a logistics manager before auditioning for Big Brother Africa: The Chase.
“I have always been a big fan of Big Brother Africa and one of my proudest moments was when Cherise (Zambia) won the first show,” he says.
But Sulu is not in Botswana solely because he was a BBA contestant. The Zambian is here to rock the stage with his new hit song ‘Ruby Ruby’ which he performed at The Chase finale. He says the idea of the song came about as a result of pride.
“Oneal and I were so proud of being in the Ruby house that we did not want anything to do with moving to the Diamond’s,” he explains. “So one morning we set together with Pokello and Cleo to work on a song about the Ruby House.”
Although initially the song was meant to be performed at a Task Presentation they decided otherwise.
Upon being evicted Sulu says he visited mobile company, Airtel, and they suggested that he record it as a ringtone and the rest, as they say, is history. Sulu says he is grateful for the Big Brother experience, saying it has shaped him into a better and stronger person.
“Our fears were pushed to the limit. Every week you are afraid of being nominated, being swapped, losing a wager, and the power of no. You have to live with fear and over time you become a better person,” says the Zambian.
Like Oneal, Sulu says if he did not come out so strong he would have hated Big Brother for what it put him through.
Asked about the relationship between Oneal and Feza, Sulu believes it destroyed their chances of winning the game. “Oneal was the heart of the Ruby House before the relationship and Feza was also a strong contender. They would have gone further if it was not for their romance.”
With Oneal and his girlfriend having dominated the local spotlight since their arrival, this weekend belongs to Sulu. The funny Zambian says he intends to milk the BBA fame for all its worth and make as much money as possible.