Friday, February 7, 2025

There are plenty of other reasons why women have sex

You have probably heard that the only female members of the animal kingdom who have sex for pleasure are dolphins and women.  

While the other creatures have intercourse for the sole purpose of pro-creation, women and dolphins have sex for a myriad of physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological reasons.

Well, maybe we should strike out the women folk or, at least, some of them for now!

And while at it, maybe we should also add ‘financial’ to the myriad list. And, of course, we can attach physical to finance, in a major way, especially when we talk of sex.

Sex has been a form of communication and communion within the human race and for female dolphins. At a point in life, some women have drawn a distinct line between screaming love or payment at the top of their heads during sex.
Of course, we are all too familiar with the trade of prostitution and how much controversy it has stirred within society.

We have come across the belief that only men usually are able to detach their feelings when having sex. Okay, we all know that, physically, they are into it because if they are hard it means somehow physically their flesh and blood is screaming all hot for you.

Then, it becomes an act of relief, yes, pleasure. They still enjoy it. Women on the other hand ‘do it’ to express a rather deep feeling of love.
It’s their body and heart all in that bed between those sheets.

It is a matter of public record that in our societies some women engage in the practice for pay.
Since Biblical days, we have read about prostitution.

Elsewhere in this paper is a story about the government acknowledging prostitution but refusing to amend laws to accommodate the practice.

“And I must state for the record that such means of livelihood cannot by any chance include engaging in sex for commercial gain,” Minister Motsumi is quoted as saying. “That is because we believe there must be provision for decent work for a living, not sex as a means for survival, since Government shares the view that sex is a very sensitive issue.”

Prostitution has caused a lot of stir in society, with women who practice it being subjected to physical, emotional and verbal abuse at the hands of those around them. In most countries, it has been criminalized; despite this fact many women tread the dangerous line of service through their bodies.

A recent South African publication ran a story on sex workers calling for the decriminalization of their “trade” in light of the much anticipated 2010 FIFA World Cup.

A sex worker told the paper that, “The government said that the World Cup could benefit all of us, we all want to be rich.” She continued to say that they, as sex workers, wanted to treat their clients with “dignity so that they come back for more”.

The work place has also provided grounds for women to use sex to benefit them. Whereas through prostitution some women benefit financially, in the workplace, women use sex as leeway to positions they desire.

From the days when the woman had sex to reproduce to those when she had sex for pleasure and then to those they do to exercise some power, the world has undergone much revolution.

In the olden days, a woman was married to a man whom she did not know or love. These were arranged liaisons.
As time went by, there came a time when she used sex as a power tool.

Adding the one night stands for fun and experimentation, the time with a stranger for pay and the quickie with the boss for a promotion, we can easily do away with the theory we introduced at the beginning of the article.

Women have vast reasons for having sex, of course, among them is pleasure.

But there is no way that women settle for pleasure alone as their motive!


Read this week's paper