Friday, February 7, 2025

Who The Cap Fit? Why I agree with Kwapa and Kwapeng

“Man to man is so unjust, you don’t know who to trust. “Some will hate you, pretend they love you, then behind, they try to eliminate you”.

You may be wondering as to why I am making reference to Bob Marley’s song?

This sound like the perfect fit to describe the recent opinion pieces by Kwapa and Kwapeng on the behavior and conduct of the notorious “Matlhoakgosi”.  “Matlhoakgosi “think they love the Kgosi Kgolo and Bakgatla ba Kgafela culture and custom more than anyone else.

Batho ba Mohuta o ke bo “Ha Nka Sekotama”

The behavior and conduct of “Matlhoakgosi” is un-becoming, it is dividing the once proud tribe. A close scrutiny in their behavior and conduct clearly demonstrates that they are thriving on the gravy train and want the status quo to remain.  They want the Bakgatla ba Kgafela King to continue being in exile. It is about survival and unfortunately done at the expense of the Bakgatla ba Kgafela.  Kwapa and Kwapeng in their articles make reference to this.

It appears there is so much desperation to send Kgosi Sekai to ntlo ya dikgosi by some lobbyists including mercenaries from Mochudi, according to Kwapeng. These lobbyists have been making endless trips to the government enclave canvassing for the elevation of Sekai from current position to that of a regent. “Once that has been archived, he will be assured of automatic membership of the Ntlo Ya Dikgosi.  Fortunately or unfortunately, they have returned empty handed”.   What puzzled Kwapeng more was the route the lobbyists chose to use for the normal route would be to involve the most senior among the uncles of the Kgosi with a suggestion. The senior uncle, who in this case happens to be Kgosi Mothibe, would then invite the Kgosi’s brothers and later the junior uncles to interrogate the idea. Mothibe would then approach Kgafela and sell the idea to him.

Unfortunately this open and honest truth rubs “Matlhoakgosi” the wrong way.

This is heavily loaded statement and one wonders just what has been going on behind the scenes.  The onus is on the Deputy Chief of Bakgatla ba Kgafela, Kgosi Sekai to heed to the advice and must openly disassociate himself from “Matlhoakgosi” and unite Morafe wa Bakgatla ba Kgafela. “Matlhoakgosi” although may have good intensions, it is clear that it has been hijacked by a self seeking politician, who is now personally using it as a platform to canvass for political support. The said politician has been on the loose giving himself numerous titles using the royal family name. Unfortunately he has not been called to order.

The Weekend Post of the 27th January 2018 carried a story titled “Kgafela’s ally to replace David’s”.

According to the said article it stated “Bakgatla Ba Kgafela exiled chief Kgafela Kgafela II, his Deputy Bana Sekai and the royal enclave have given Kgafela’s regiment leader, Moagi Molebatsi blessings to contest Mochudi East constituency under the Botswana National Front /(BNF) ticket as the race replace Isaac Davids takes off”. “Kgafela’s regiment known as “Mangana” under the stewardship of Molebatsi has been the driving force in advocating for the return of their Chief and other community issues including the installation of Sekai as chief last year”.

“I have informed Kgosi Sekai and the regiment about my intentions and they agreed and wished me best of luck”. “For protocol sake I wouldn’t personally tell Kgabo (Kgafela) about it hence channeled it through Sekai to tell Kgosi”. “But for sure he does not have any problems with this…..” he could have long summoned me if he did….. “Molebatsi said in an interview.  “He was instrumental in bringing calmness and stability in our area, which has been envied by others”

In his interview with the Weekend Post, Moagi Molebatsi was economical with the truth. In fact he lied and he lied a lot. He too knows that he told the Weekend post lies. He is not what he told the Weekend Post and record must be set straight going forward. He has never been a spokes person of the Royal Family. Uno nyepa.  The onus was on Kgosi Sekai to could have distanced himself from such claims that were made by the self proclaimed Mangana leader and spokesperson of the royal family.  The Weekend Post, journalist could have sought clarity from Kgosi Sekai first before going for publication. The journalist could have also sought clarity from Moagi Molebatsi as to which royal family he was referring to?

He was jus politicking and used the Bogosi route to gain political mileage and support. . Politicians and political leaders clearly are fully aware the power Dikgosi wield and would do everything in their own interest to hoodwink Dikgosi that they are with them and that they care for them only when it suits them. They would even tell out-right open lies to the media in their bid to win elections

Mogatusi Kwapa in his article of the 7th April 2019 raised same sentiments as Kwapeng. He talked about the abuse and misunderstanding of Bakgatla Ba Kgafela culture and custom by none other than the notorious “Matlhoakgosi”.  It appears “ Matlhoakgosi” have now become a menace  and  are  now abusing the Bakgatla ba Kgafela  sacred place ko “ Molapong” to discuss issues that are of  no significance ÔÇô Go setse go itirelwa fela, go tshanokelwa ko “ Molapong. The very same “Matlhoakgosi’ now want to dictate the sitting arrangements of Kgosi Kgolo and his royal uncles during meetings.  They are now overly too excited and are overstepping on their boundaries. They seem to be clueless on Bakgatla ba Kgafela custom and culture if they are not then they are deliberately disrespecting it and they must now be called to order “Ba Borara” as a matter of urgency.

In his article Kwapa also shares his painful experience with “Matlhoakgosi in November 2017, where he was insulted at the instigation of the present Member of Parliament for Kgatleng East.  He states that he saw him (MP) insulting another tribes man at the same place using uncouth language.

It is now clear that Kwapa is not the only one who has suffered the abuse; there are other Bakgatla ba Kgafela tribesmen who have suffered the same fate at the hands of the self proclaimed “Royal Spokesperson, Leitlho la Kgosi”, Member of Parliament for Kgatleng East, Hon Moagi Bright Molebatsi.  In one isolated incidence a royal family member – “Rangwane” has shared his nasty experience with MP for Kgatleng East at the Ministry of Local Government bathrooms, where he was choked and was issued with threats by the Honorable Member of Parliament.

In 2017  at the annual Bakgatla ba Kgafela cultural festival  in Kgabutle  many people watched  in disbelief as  “ Tsunami “ Moagi Bright Molebatsi as he is affectionally called by his supporters pounced on  one Mokgatla wa Kgafela  tribes man, attempted  to choke him, threatened to beat him and as  he was doing that used unpalatable  language.

“A wa nkitse tota?, a wa nkitse go re ke bidiwa maang?, A waitse go re ke mohumi wa dinaledi?, “a waitse go re ga ke batla le Mochudi o ka seke wa goroge kwa Mochudi”?, A waitse go re nka go batlela bo Tsotsi ba go cleaner fast?, “a waitse go re nkile ka ya go disa poo, ka ya matamong ka bonana ke tsatsankile mosimane ka okapi, nna Boy”. “O so mang tota monna?, ka e bile le go go nyadisa ke go nyadisitse ngwana ke wena wa modidi, o po……..lo”.

Fortunately the tribe’s man who was being manhandled kept his cool.  He just kept quiet and watched the thug as he was on his gangster element.  The behavior and conduct of Hon MP for Kgatleng East has made him to attract un-necessary attention. Now his critiques label him as “S’gebengwa sa Boseja”, a non ÔÇô rehabilitated juvenile ex-convict and a clueless scatter brain who wishes he was rich. They argue rich people do not make a lot of noise about their wealth and his continued bragging about his riches that are not really there is just hilarious to say the least.  Only over draft millionaires behave and conduct themselves in such a manner displayed by “Tsunami,” His detractors even say he is just a loud mouthed attention seeker who wish was from the royal family

They think they love the Kgosi Kgolo more than everyone does.  Who the cap fit?  “Some will pretend they love you, then behind they try to eliminate you, hypocrites and parasites, will come up and take a bite, and if your night should turn to day, a lot of people would run away”.

Perhaps Kwapa and Kwapeng may have been inspired by the poetic works of Hannah Wiggin

“May be I don’t cry, But it hurts, May be I don’t say, But I feel, May be I don’t show, But I care”

Thabo Lucas Seleke, writes from Los Angeles, California USA.


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