Friday, January 24, 2025

2006 – The year that wasn’t

When Friends and relatives wish them compliments of the new season, Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Baledzi Gaolathe, and his assistant, Duncan Mlazie, will sigh with relief that a cruel year is finally behind them.

A number of leaks from the Public Accounts Committee have revealed that some MPs’ private doubts are closer to the media’s dark portrait of the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning : a complicated ministry, part deceitful and part incompetent, with ministers who sleep on the job ÔÇô Story on page 6

Notes from the Sunday Standard 2006 X files
We reveal for the first time unpublished notes on the Sunday Standard investigations into boiler room operations in Botswana. It was a Watergate ÔÇôstyle investigation straight out of “All the President’s men”

A Sunday Standard reporter and driver in a white Toyota Conquest Tizzy driving down the hustle and bustle of Rustenburg to a rendezvous with an unknown source from the underground world. Story on page 5

Eat, drink and be merry?
Back then he would drink himself into a stupor. He was a dead end alcoholic until he picked himself up and led a campaign against drunkenness MESH MOETI present the portrait of Jim MacDonald, addiction specialist, and co-founder of the Botswana Alcohol/AIDS project ÔÇô a reminder against irresponsible drinking during the festive season ÔÇôStory on Page 7

New Year’s resolution: Throw away your computer and cellular – phone
If it is privacy you want, then your new year’s resolution should be to throw away you cell phone and computer. Picture this: You have just tested positive to HIV, you wish to confide in a friend through an e-mail of phone and your secret ends up as gossip in the corridors of local police stations.


Read this week's paper