Some of the decisions coming out of the Government enclave can make you wonder if the people entrusted with leading this country are dunderheads or just plain stubborn. Dunderheads in that they don’t seem to learn from their mistakes and stubborn in that they don’t seem to give a hoot about their nauseating decisions which piss off the nation. Have you realized that we are being led by the Judiciary and not the Executive? It has become the norm that almost every decision that comes from the President and his Cabinet Ministers has to be subjected to the scrutiny of the Courts of law for approval or rejection.
Our Executive just can’t seem to be able to make decisions that are readily embraced by the nation. It is common nowadays that week in and week out we get to hear of organizations and individuals suing the Government or the President for his unjust and irrational decisions. Surprisingly, the powers and privileges that President Ian Khama enjoys have always been there even during the times of his father at the helm but never before have we seen such an avalanche of court cases lined up against a sitting president.
Surely, this could be a clear sign Seretse’s son is not doing things the same way his predecessors did. Former Presidents made decisions but never pissed off the nation the way Khama is doing. I have never seen a Government so determined to fight its people the way Khama’s regime is doing. He took the war to journalists. He fought with the civil servants. He stuck out the middle finger at the teachers. He is fighting alcohol consumers. He is now at war with the legal fraternity and the church. Oh and he said women are troublesome and not worth his romantical association. A warmonger of note, Khama has even fought with people within the BDP without a care these are the very people who put him into the presidency.
If you think I’m being harsh on our leaders for insinuating they don’t have sharp brains, then I challenge you to tell me what you make of their behavior towards the continued dismal performance of students. I was shocked when I heard that the President has established a commission of enquiry whose mandate is to find reasons for the poor performance of students in the country. Any person with no thinking deficiency ought to know, without consulting anyone, the reason students are doing badly in their examinations. Khama has pissed off the teachers and only delusional people can expect the students to perform well when their teachers are disgruntled. Khama’s Government continues to waste the taxpayer’s money through cases that can be resolved amicably without the intervention of the Courts of law if our leaders were not vindictive and stubborn.
I am very much convinced a lot of these court cases could be avoided if our Government was not led by people who bring emotions, personal vendettas and egos when dealing with national matters. The problem with leaders who appear to suffer a lot of low self esteem is that every time they have to concede to the demands of the people, they feel their worth will be compromised. The situation is not helped by our Constitution which gives the president so much power I bet even God must be jealous of him. I mean, what good can be expected from a Constitution that gives the President the power to make decisions that affect the entire nation yet absolving him from accounting for those decisions?
Kana as it stands, and as just an example, if I’m Khama’s buddy and my fianc├® cheats on me with a foreigner, I can easily approach Khama to kick this foreigner out of this country and the Constitution does not compel him to give reasons for declaring the foreigner a prohibited immigrant. I have also noticed something. The President’s spokespersons are always quick to bombard us with statements from researchers only when the research findings put Khama in a good light yet they keep quiet when the research comes out negative about Khama. Jeff Ramsay always excitedly issues out press statements when international organizations speak good of Khama but today he has zipped up because world acclaimed and respected Afro barometer has released its findings on a research that reveals Batswana are not happy with Khama.
According to the research, 84% of this nation wants Khama to attend Parliament and justify his policies. Batswana are also of the view that corruption is on the rise under Khama. What is even more depressing about Khama’s presidency is that everyone around him has caught the buck of arrogance and dunderheadedness. Even nobodies become big-headed once appointed to positions of power by Khama. Khama’s spell is so strong that even intellectuals become dunderheads once put into positions of political appointments. Look what is happening at the University of Botswana which is being led by Khama’s appointees or rather, allies.
The university council has banned the sale of alcohol and by extension its consumption on campus, not because there is anything wrong with students, who are well over the legal age for alcohol consumption but simply because Rraetsho yo o ko State House abhors alcohol and its consumers. Now they have done the unthinkable and banned political activities on campus. You know a country is in trouble when intellectuals such as those at UB succumb to pressure and make decisions that border on illiteracy. How do you order people to go and campaign in Zimbabwe for elections that take place in Botswana? Mxm!
[email protected] Twitter:@kuvuki