Botswana Fibre Networks (BoFiNet) on Monday announced that the roll out of its major projects: Fibre to the X (Business, Curb, Home) Project and Wholesale Wi-Fi will be kick started in May this year.
Both projects are funded by government through the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) with the aim of transforming the lives of citizens through broadband connectivity.
BoFiNet executives said Monday that they plan to build and manage FTTx and Wi-Fi Infrastructure Project that will create a platform for service providers to provide connectivity within a large spectrum of locations without exorbitant investment overlays.
“The final objective is to provide the end-user with affordable access as the providers pass the benefit of wholesale prices to end-users,” said Thato Jansen of BoFiNet.
Some of the identified targeted areas for the FTTx – Wi Fi service include hospitals, government offices, airports, and commercial areas such as filling stations, shopping centers, bus ranks and office parks. It is anticipated that the deployment of the FTTx and Wi-Fi facilities will offer Batswana new and exciting opportunities in the era of global connectivity.
BoFiNet hosted a stakeholder breakfast seminar on Monday to present value to the business community and discuss solutions offered through these rollouts. Further, the seminar provided attendees with an opportunity to be abreast with government initiatives aimed at improving ICT in line with the Broadband Strategy.
BoFiNet is wholly owned by government and has been mandated to manage an important national strategic asset in the high capacity fibre network within Botswana as well as international terrestrial links from Botswana to the rest of the world. BoFiNet manages these fibre networks in order to create open access wholesale capability, serving the telecommunication industry in Botswana and abroad. The intent is to drive the vision of Botswana by promoting an ICT friendly environment.