Batswana may no longer have to stand in long queues for service and service providers will soon be rolling out red carpets should advice from experts at the recent Work Improvement Teams (WITS) workshop be translated into action.
WITS members were this week urged to promote customer care, and to keep pace with the public expectation through creative and innovative workshops. This was said by the Director of Health Sector Relation and Partnership, Sethabelo Modukanele, at a workshop held at Tlolo Conference Centre which aimed at equipping participants with problem solving-skills.
“Nothing is permanent. We leave in a knowledge society where change happens everyday at a fast rate. We also need to change, otherwise the train will move and leave us behind,” said Modukanele. Let us synchronize all our initiatives as we move in implementing stage of Performance Management System (PMS).”
Performance Improvement Coordinator, Gorden Mbongwe, said employees were obsessed with processes and tended to forget customer service. “Customers should demand for services not beg for it because employees are hired to give them that service,” he stated.
Addressing the participants on WITs ground rules, Mbongwe said employees are expected to be change agents, and stressed that they should have that mindset. “WITs will help us be productive, assist in changing our attitude towards our work,” he added. He urged the participants to be learning organization which will continuously improve. He pointed out that WITs strategy objective is to improve productivity thus improving efficiency, effectiveness and quality of service. “Let us always try to do things differently for the betterment of our customer service,” he said.
Touching on why the government introduces reforms, Mbongwe explained that, it is to improve the public service. He said the government has also seen the threat of globalization, and that there is lack of significant or noticeable impact on productivity. Mbongwe further said there was lack of focus and measurement of performance as well as poor quality service. He said workers were obsessed with rules and regulations rather than customers. There is also inefficient and ineffective implementation of National development plan. He cited as an example projects worth billions of Pulas, which are still behind.