Monday, January 20, 2025

Botswana fencing badly in need of sponsorship

The Botswana Amateur Fencing Society coach, Tumelo Ramogotsi, has complained over lack of sponsorship for the sport.

Speaking to The Telegraph, Ramogotsi said that lack of finances has hindered the growth of the sport because they have not been able to afford to take part in both regional and International Fencing competitions. He cited South Africa as well developed, hosting tournaments which they participate in to acquire more practice and skills.

Ramogotsi said that during international competitions, the International Fencing Federation only takes one member from the team while other countries who can afford the expenses take their whole teams for the competitions. He added that he, however, hopes that this year the organisation will be able to organise tournaments as well as get enough funding to attend competitions outside the country.

Ramogotsi added that another challenge that the organisation faces is lack of a stable place where they can practise.

He added that, because of this, there is a less number of people in the organisation which means that the equipment available for training is not fully used.

He added that although the organisation is still relatively new and has a long way to go, Batswana are showing a lot of interest in the sport code.

He said that the fencing organisation is still new in Botswana and that, possibly, is why it is taking time to get off the ground.

He added that there is potential in Botswana which they are looking forward to nurturing as an organisation.

Ramogotsi said that, as part of their plan to grow the organization, they will be roping in a new coach from South Africa to come and assist him in the growth of the team. He added that they are making use of social media as well and have a Facebook page on which they have videos and pictures of their practice sessions.

He says, with that exposure, they are hoping to get new members to add to the already existing 25 members.

Ramogotsi also said that even mature people can do fencing because it helps keep them fit due to the movement done.


Read this week's paper