Saturday, February 8, 2025

BPC to get new CEO next month

The Botswana Power Corporation (BPC) is expected to announce the appointment of a new chief executive officer (CEO) sometime next month.

Acting CEO Cross Kgosidiile joins the Botswana Development Corporation (BDC) next month.

The BPC board chairman Bonny Thebenyane has confirmed to this publication that the BPC will soon announce its new CEO.

“It is true that sometime next month if things goe according to plan BPC board will be in a better position to pronounce the new CEO who will be expected to take the corporation to higher heights,” he said.

Thebenyane said the board has taken a decision to localize the CEO post suggesting that the next new CEO who will be appointed will be a local.

“As for now I am not at liberty to divulge the identity of candidate that the board has chosen and the candidate is a very well known person whom the board strongly believes and hope will take the corporation to greater heights,” he said.

Thebenyane dismissed allegations that suggested the BPC is in a crisis which led to some of its executive members quitting the corporation.

“There is no crisis at the BPC therefore once the new CEO is appointed all managerial positions will be filled by the CEO upon recommendation,” he said.

Meanwhile the Botswana Power Corporation Workers Union BPCWN secretary general Gaonaone Marumoagae has welcomed the acting CEO’s departure.

“As the union we truly welcome his departure because he has not delivered to our expectations. Rather he has brought the corporation to its knees,” Marumoagae alleged.

He claimed the BPC is in crisis saying a good number of senior executives have quit the corporation.

“At the moment the BPC has not yet briefed us who is likely to take over but as the union we do not mind whether the candidate is a local or a foreigner as long has that person can deliver and take the corporation to greater heights”.

He added if the former COO was not fired from his position he would have been a suitable candidate for the position as he has all the qualities of a CEO and has a vision.

He also urged the BPC employees to work hard for the position and bring those glory days back at the corporation.

Contacted for comment Honathan Hossein former Chief Operational Officer COO who was dismissed from his position said “I don’t want to be drawn into commenting on BPC internal matters and on any statement by the Chairman of the Board to the press”.

He added: “All I can say is that the Industrial Court has just ruled emphatically that my removal from the BPC was, in the words of the court: “unlawful, unreasonable and unfair”, a “wrongful and invalid act”, and “without just cause” “substantively unfair”. He stated that he has always maintained that he wish to complete what had already started at BPC”.

Last year Dr Stefan Schwarzfischer left the BPC as CEO following allegations of corruption that rocked the corporation. He has said he viewed his departure as constructive dismissal.


Read this week's paper