There has lately been confusion in as far as to who is the mother governing body of tertiary school education sports administration. Whilst there is the Botswana Tertiary Schools Sports Association (BOTESSA), there is also on the other hand, Botswana Universities Sports Association (BUSA).
The existence of the two organisations has lately confused local athletes, especially within the different local tertiary institutions sporting codes. “For those who are confused, the Botswana Universities Sports Association (BUSA) is the governing body for the local intervarsity games. Speaking at a press conference held at University of Botswana (UB) stadium VIP lounge, Public Relations Officer of BUSA, Keorapetse Setlhare, says their main objective or sole mandate is to manage and govern affairs related to the local intervarsity games which will see local tertiary institutions battling it out in a localised and fiercely competent multi games sporting contest.
Nonetheless, BOTESSA is a sporting administrational body, which manages tertiary education athletes who have performed exceptionally well and qualify for tertiary institution competitions held abroad, more especially at regional and international sporting games. “We must not get the two organisations twisted, because it seems as if we have a conflict of interest which is not the case.”
This comes after BUSA, earlier this week announced that they are currently in the final stages of organising and hosting the first ever inter varsity sports games. Setlhare mentioned during the media briefing that, for a long time local tertiary institutions have been denied the opportunity to compete against each other in various sporting codes at a local but professional level. ”If we’re to identify and develop local talent it must start from institutional grassroots.” He concluded that only the University of Botswana athletes, have in the past, been privileged enough to compete at highly esteemed events. He concluded that preparations are well under way for the inaugurals inter varsity games that will commence on a date, which is yet to be made public.