Government of Botswana through Francistown City council has resolved to fire Botswana Land Boards, Local Authorities and Health Workers Union secretary general Ketlhalefile Motshegwa. Motshegwa is also deputy secretary general of Botswana Federation of Public Sector Unions (BOFEPUSU).
Sunday Standard is in possession of a letter from the City of Francistown town Clerk Israel, terminating Motshegwa’s employment in the Public service. The letter was delivered Friday, (29 May 2015), following a disciplinary hearing which Motshegwa attended on 13th , 25th and 26th of May respectively relating to alleged misconducts. The City of Francistown Council charged Motshegwa with absence from duty without leave or reasonable excuse as outlined in the Public Service Act No. 30 of 2008, section 37(a).
FCC argued that Motshegwa being a person employed in the public service as council clerk II at the city of Francistown Council he has absented himself from work without any excuse provided with his office and /or supervisors or without leave since 20 August 2014 up to date. On the second count Motshegwa was charged with wilful disobedience of lawful or reasonable orders given by the employer as outlined in Public Service Act No 30 of 2008, section 27 (3) (b). On this count FCC argued that Motshegwa was wilfully disobedient of lawful or reasonable orders given by the employer calling upon him (Motshegwa) to report for duty thus contravening section 27(3)(b) of Public Service Act No. 30 of 2008. “By powers delegated to me under section 15(1) (b) of the Public Service Act No. 30 of 2008 as read with section 16 (2) of the same Act, and savingram reference: LGI/3/511 (238) you are hereby dismissed from Public Service effective 29 May 2015 as per section 40(g) of Public Service Act No.30 of 2008,” the dismissal letter reads. The letter further requested Motshegwa to surrender all property of City of Francistown Council that is in his possession. “You are advised of your right to appeal to the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development within 14 days from receipt of this letter. By copy of this letter, the Human Resources Division is instructed to pay your terminal benefits if there are any,” the letter further reads. Government through FCC charged Motshegwa with a similar charge last year around July in the matter which ended up at the High Court. The matter reached the High Court after Motshegwa sued FCC and Directorate of Public Service Management for failing to pay his June salary in 2014. During the proceedings DPSM and FCC chickened out of the case. Justice Key Dingake then ordered DPSM and FCC jointly as the respondents to pay for the applicant’s (Motshegwa) costs of suit.