“The 46.7 percent that voted for us does not reflect our support base. We could have swiped the opposition by 75 percent. I don’t care about the 46.7 percent which the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) indicates that we attained,” Khama was quoted in the media as having made these utterances when addressing the BDP youth at a congress in Masunga two weeks ago. For two weeks I have been trying to unpack Khama’s statement. I attempted to make sense out of his message but I honestly failed to make even the minutest of sense from what he told the BDP’s young cadre. The only thing I could think of, that may have made Khama say what he reportedly said in Masunga is that he undermined the thinking capacity of his audience. Well, I may be wrong to say Khama thinks BDP youth have small brains.
There could be other factors that may have made Khama utter those hard-to-comprehend statements. Khama could be just delusional and living in his own fantasy world where he is unable to see and acknowledge reality as it presents before him. One other factor which I’m really struggling to explain, for fear of further being labeled ill-mannered, is that Khama himself may have lower thinking capacity than the BDP youth. What I’m trying to explain here is, you only make unintelligent remarks to people because you are not intelligent or you think they are not intelligent and will not be able to pick how lousy your remarks are.
In the case of Khama and the BDP youth, I have not yet discovered who stands where because even after being told all that hogwash, they have not come out to assure us that they do not share in Khama’s delusion. It is therefore safe to slap them both with the same charge. Kana what Khama was basically telling the BDP youth was that it is very much okay to fail an exam, or attain lower marks and then proudly tell people that you don’t give a hoot about the marks you got from the teacher because as far as you are concerned you are a bright student. I mean really, what is the benefit of holding yourself as a bright student when you cannot attain good grades to go with it?
What Khama said is no different from a coach whose team loses a game and instead of admitting that his team played badly, he chooses to brag about how his team is the best in the league. Khama should wake up from his deep slumber and quickly appreciate that knowing you are the best doesn’t really count or matter when it comes to politics. What matters the most in politics is what the IEC delivers after the elections. I can’t even begin to imagine how Gabriel Seeletso must be feeling after he learnt of the contempt Khama holds the IEC in. The message that Khama is sending to the BDP youth is that the IEC is useless and not credible.
“I don’t care about the 46.7 percent that the IEC indicate we attained” is not different from “I don’t care about the IEC because they are useless and can’t be trusted”. We should be very worried when a sitting president, whose party is showing a decline in popularity, starts dismissing the IEC. Before we know it, he will gather his puppets in Parliament and devise a law that dissolves the IEC and any other organ of Government that is mandated with safe-guarding the integrity of our electoral systems.
I laughed my lungs out when I read that Khama also told his BDP toddlers that the opposition performed better only because they were bribing the electorates. Khama just can’t be serious. His accusation of the opposition is not only shocking but also irritating, coming from someone who abandoned his presidential duties to concentrate exclusively on campaigning for his party, unashamedly abusing State resources in the process. Some people scold me when I give my honest opinions about Khama’s IQ level but honestly where do you place someone who abuses State resources, watched by the entire nation on national television and then comes around with the audacity to blame people who were never given the opportunity to at least incriminate themselves on national television as they too supposedly doled out freebies in exchange for votes.
To his credit though, BDP Youth Chairman Andy Boatile reportedly told the youth, in the presence of Khama, that the party will have to work hard to change the mindset of the youth, who are now clearly identify with the ‘moono’ revolution. BDP Secretary General Mpho Balopi also admitted, albeit with ego, that the opposition is causing havoc in the BDP fortunes. To me, this is a sign that not everyone in the BDP is as delusional as their leader Khama. The only problem besieging the BDP right now is that the party is littered with boot-lickers who may see that the BDP train is derailing but would never shake the driver from his deep sleep. I was also shocked that Khama scolded the BDP youth over their social media commentaries.
According to him, BDP members should only comment on Facebook (it seems they don’t know Twitter at BDP) when they have positive things to say about the party. This begs the question, where else should they voice out their concerns when it is known to all of us that Khama abhors dialogue on issues that seem to present grievances. If Khama has no regard for the BDP Council of Elders, why should the youth be fooled into believing they will have any other platform apart from social media to voice out their frustrations about their party?
[email protected] Twitter:@kuvuki