I’m really worried about Jeff Ramsay. He has started to reason like Africans and that is really bad for someone who should be encouraging us to shed our black mentality where there is no shame in defending shameful behaviour by our leaders.
While I’m not worried that he has chosen to become an African, I worry that he is gradually becoming a typical African. You know them, those who find no shame in defending shameful deeds for as long as they reap something out of their defence.
The way I admire how white people carry themselves and conduct their affairs, I never really understand why any white person would want to be African. I always feel Ramsay should have swapped his citizenship with me. Right now I would be in America enjoying the nice life that Ramsay ran away from, instead opting to come here and defending the barbaric rule that has no place back in America.
Look, I really like Ramsay and that is why I get worried when I notice he is developing the shameful mentality synonymous with Africans. Not only is he behaving like an African. He behaves like most black Africans. It is increasingly becoming difficult to spot the difference between Ramsay and Masisi. They both follow their leader blindly and defend him even where uncalled for.
With Masisi at least, it is understandable because he was born and raised in Africa where we are used to doing things awkwardly and where leaders behave as though they own the people they lead.
As for Ramsay, it surprises me to see him ululate at our bad governance which most Americans would sneer at. Of course the black race is the reason we have words such as sycophancy and as such I don’t understand what excites Ramsay so much he wants to be in the league of bootlickers.
I have never made it a secret that I have a problem with Africans, or rather should I say I have a problem with the way Africans conduct their affairs. Africans do not think and behave the same way their counterparts do overseas.
Even though bad people come in all races, the black race takes the crown when it comes to bad behaviour. The black race has no vein of shame. I feel really bad that while I think and behave like whites, my skin colour continues to make me a part of this shameful race. I mean, I still struggle to find any pride in being an African.
I am not proudly African for the simple reason there is nothing to pride myself with for being a black African. Because of the way African leaders behave, Africa has become a disgraceful continent. It is only in Africa where leaders persecute their people and still get away with it.
It is only in Africa where a cabinet minister can arrogantly boast that he won’t resign even after being slapped with charges of corruption. It is only in Africa where a president can indirectly declare entertainment illegal and force people to sleep early.
It is only in Africa where leaders refuse to step down from office no matter how old and senile they get. Black people kill each other more than any other race. Black people are always associated, justifiably so, with bad things.
I am black but everytime I get lost in South Africa, I have to carefully screen the person I seek help from especially if that person is black but with whites I just ask anyone because they have proved to be more trustworthy than blacks. Black people are a shame and perhaps that is why Michael Jackson spent all his fortune trying to transform himself into a white man.
Not only black people in Africa behave and think strangely. The same goes for black Americans. Ask any white person in America who supports Barack Obama why they support him and they will tell you it’s because he speaks their issues and has great leadership attributes. And then ask black people why they voted for Barack Obama and I can assure you they will tell you they did so because he is black like them.
That is how black people reason; infact they never really reason. I know I’m unfairly painting black people with the same brush but I’m doing so deliberately to show the few good Africans that the majority is giving us a bad name. For example, Botswana has become a really painful place to live in but the majority of our people condone the mess we are currently in. Africans have the tendency to fold their arms as if saying the Lord’s Prayer even when their leaders oppress them.
Africans are the only people who always seem to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. They are afraid to frown at their leaders when they misbehave. They praise anything and everything that is said or done by their leaders.
I was shocked that Ramsay finds it worthy to buttress and support Khama’s sentiments that Batswana trust government media more than private media. How can you really say Btv is the best when it has no other station to compare with? It is the only television station that broadcasts nationwide. So really it’s like an athlete taking to the tracks alone and then celebrate that he is the fastest runner when in actual fact he had no one to compete with.