The Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) is holding a JOGMEC/SADC Remote Sensing Seminar and Workshop from the 22nd November to the 2nd December, 2011 at the JOGMEC Remote Sensing Centre in Lobatse.
According to the Embassy of Japan, the purpose of this seminar is to distribute remote sensing technology widely to SADC member states and to provide an opportunity to access the state of art remote sensing technology and networking between SADC member states and Japan.
This is the third seminar since JOGMEC organised the first seminar in 2009. The seminar comprises of a workshop and a competition that has been introduced in satellite image analysis, in order to improve and maintain skills after the completion of the basic technical transfer and cooperation survey.
JOGMEC opened the Centre in Lobatse, in 2008, in cooperation with the Department of Geological Survey and has carried out remote sensing technical skills transfer to exploration experts from SADC member states and cooperated on satellite image analysis to identify mineral resource potential area between JOGMEC and the geological survey of SADC member states.