Debswana Jwaneng Mine has revealed that it met all its business targets in every facet during the year 2014. When presenting the mine’s performance update recently, Jwaneng Mine General Manager, Albert Milton said the mine exceeded its target of treated ore by 10 percent while total carats recovered were four percent above budget.
On safety, Jwaneng Mine reduced work related injuries by 49 percent, which Milton said was a significant reduction.
“This significant reduction was a major milestone as Jwaneng Mine has been officially recognized as one of the safest operations in 2014, even when compared to other mines under the Anglo American group. The leadership and staff of Jwaneng Mine are motivated by the results because they signify that the Jwaneng team upholds total adherence to the zero harm principle espoused by both Debswana and De Beers Group of Companies,” said Milton.
He further said in recognition of the high safety standards, the mine was awarded the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 re-certifications by an international accreditation body based in Germany called Tuv Sud. The standards audit Environmental Management Systems (EMS) as well as occupational health and safety management. Another highlight in 2014, said Milton, was the accreditation of Jwaneng Mine Hospital, for the fourth time, by the prestigious Council for Health Service Accreditation of Southern Africa (COHSASA).
“In 2002, the mine hospital became the first hospital in Botswana to be COHSASA accredited, three other accreditation certificates followed in 2007, 2009 and 2014,” he stated.
Milton said the accreditation gives stakeholders assurance that patients at Jwaneng Mine Hospital have access to top of the range facilities and quality health services. He said the hospital renders quality service to communities in Jwaneng and surrounding areas within a 200km radius. Currently, Jwaneng Mine Hospital boasts 55 beds, 12 doctors (including two dentists), 59 nurses, and support departments inclusive of a laboratory, radiography, physiotherapy, and pharmacy.
“Standards set by the accreditation body are complex and requires high levels of commitment by all team members to accomplish. Areas of focus include quality of management and leadership, patients’ rights, risk, quality improvement and infection control, medical, surgical and maternity care,” said Milton.
He however said despite the good operational performance recorded in 2014, during the first quarter of 2015, the global diamond market was relatively soft, which was a reverse of the norm around the same period.
Milton however expressed optimism that there are already indications that the market will improve during the remaining quarters of 2015.