Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Kgosi, Kerekang win against State in NPF corruption case

Former Director of the Directorate of Intelligence and Security Isaac Kgosi has been discharged and acquitted by the High Court in the P250 million National Petroleum Fund (NPF) case. Also acquitted was former department of Energy director Kenneth Kerekang.

Kgosi and Kerekang were charged alongside Bakang Seretse, Judge Zein Kebonang and former cabinet Minister Sadique Kebonang among others.

Delivering judgement Justice Michael Leburu said the State has failed to produce reasonable probable evidence to prosecute Kgosi.

He said the decision to charge Kgosi and Kerekang was irrational and ordered that the charges against the two men be set aside.

Leburu also cited a recent case in which three panel of judges set aside the decision to prosecute Kebonang twin brothers.

Kgosi was charged with corruption by Public officer and abuse of office.


Read this week's paper