Isaac Kgosi, the Director at the government outfit, the Directorate of Intelligence and Security (DIS) that has come out with guns blazing, denying that the organisation he heads has been involved in torture, spying, killing of civilians and, of late, the tailing of some members of the ruling party who do not see eye to eye with President Ian Khama.
There have been reports that the spy organ, which is a brainchild of President Ian Khama and headed by his closest confidant, was responsible for the spate of extra judicial killings as well as bugging cellphones.
However, in a statement released yesterday by Kgosi, the DIS is being ‘repeatedly’ accused of committing all sorts of heinous crimes. He says that although his office appreciates criticism, it will not lie low and ignore agenda driven attacks.
“We are well and sadly aware of the “sources” of the innuendos and falsehoods that have been levelled against the Directorate,”
Kgosi says, adding that those that accuse DIS are motivated by their own partisan or personal agendas.
“Such elements threaten to compromise the wider public stake in our activities for their own selfish interest,” reads the statement from Kgosi.
Kgosi accuses the media of playing darling to some people who he said have ulterior motives against DIS.
He says that his organisation is only responsible for combating threats to national security and, accordingly, advising the President.
“Our fellow citizens may be reassured that the Directorate has never been involved in extra judicial killings. We have never abducted nor tortured any person for whatever reason. We have not and shall not unlawfully intercept any telephone transmissions,” it reads in part.
According to Kgosi, the DIS has so far delivered in its mandate in making sure that it stays apolitical.
An irate Kgosi, perhaps fuming at reports that Khama is using the DIS to purge some rank of the ruling party, contends that, as public servants, his officers should not be dragged into BDP infighting.
“Some of these misfits are spreading these malicious and untrue statements to divert attention from their own undesirable activities. These individuals should realise that the course of justice cannot be sidetracked by such distractions,” charges Kgosi.