Ok, so as far as Christmas holidays go, we have more than copied the western world’s way of celebrating the season but we seem to stop at some point so how about this year we go all the way?
Besides, rumour has it that there will be no alcohol over the Christmas holiday so might as well find other ways of making it interesting for yourself.
Christmas party turned to dinner
For that Christmas party you had planned for yourself and your friends, instead of having a typical barbecue with loud house music blasting in the background, how about a nice Christmas dinner with all those dishes you are always too lazy to make, accompanied by one or two bottles of that good wine you have been saving for a special occasion with Christmas carols playing on the stereo. Invite all close family and friends and have yourself a nice relaxed bonding time with the ones closest to your ear.
As we do not celebrate thanks giving day in our country, how about you take this time to reflect on the year that has passed and toast to all the accomplishments you have made and all the good things that have happened to you in the year that is quickly fading into last year and, more importantly, celebrate the lives that you have all been blessed with and the people that make it colorful.
Dress up
Ok, fine guys, you can dress up and look good. Now that we are done with the guys it’s time to talk to the ladies.
Sisters, you know how during the year you are just too busy to really spice up your wardrobe and even if you do have a few outfits that you love, they just tend to not be so professional?
Well this is a chance for you to take out that little number that you haven’t had a chance to wear and just feel sexy. And guess what the colour of the season is? Red, yes, which means you can wear that red lipstick you have been feeling too reserved to wear, get that manicure and make those nails red hot then, to top it all off, get that red little number you have kept in the closet and wild out your hair and look like that naughty little girl who Santa will give all the goodies to. After all, ‘tis the season to be jolly so put on your best pair of heels, loosen up and have yourself a ball of a time. You will go back to your reserved self in the morning.
Mistletoe up
In every single Christmas movie or Christmas episode of any series, there is always a mistletoe hanging somewhere in the house. And since we are doing things all the way how they are done in the western world, this year, how about a little mistletoe to keep things interesting? So since this is all about having fun, how about you have several mistletoes placed around the house and kiss goodbye the year that was 2011 and have yourself a Merry Christmas.