Friday, September 13, 2024

Limkokwing academic staff not on strike

On 30th November 2009, TAWU Branch General meeting at Limkokwing University of Creative Technology resolved “to withhold students’ examinations marks until management responds and acts on all the outstanding employees’ grievances such as annual increments, notching of experience, job evaluation and analysis any overtime pay”.

The Resolution taken was not intended for immediate implementation nor was it communicated to management as a notice of strike. Unfortunately the management received a courtesy copy, which it perceived as a notice to strike.

Consequently, Management wrote a restraining notice on 08th December 2009 to the Union National office, which it also copied to all Limkokwing University employees. After receipt of the notice the Union’s Central Executive Committee held a consultative meeting with the Branch committee on 10/12/09 to discuss the matter. Later, the Union addressed a Branch general meeting and proceeded to hold a consultative meeting with management (Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor) at which the following were agreed:

1. That both parties convene the Joint Negotiations and Consultative Committee (JNCC) on Monday 14th December 2009 at 0900 hours. The agenda of the JNCC will be to discuss all issues related to the above subject matter.

2. That in the period before the JNCC meeting, all processes of the institution will proceed as normal, that is, no undue pressure and no extra demands shall be placed on employees by management or its representatives and that the Union has not commenced any industrial action and is therefore not liable for any actions by individual employees in contravention of Institution policy, the Recognition Agreement and the Trade Disputes Act.

3. That the institution wide Academic Calendar is the guiding policy document on the submission of marks.

4. The understanding shall be that management would act in good faith and not institute any legal proceedings against the Union before the JNCC meeting on 14th December 2009.

Edward Tswaipe
Secretary General (TAWU)


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