The Selebi Phikwe Economic Diversification Unit (SPEDU) finally has a substantive Chief Executive Officer after a long acting stint by Pako Kedisitse.
Sunday Standard learns that Dr. Mokubung Mokubung, who currently works for the Competition Authority, has been appointed SPEDU CEO. While he declined to comment himself, good sources say that Mokubung will assume the post on April 1.
The post fell vacant in July 2012 when Kago Moshashane, left SPEDU, retiring from the civil service. Thereafter, Kedisitse, whose substantive position is Finance and Administration Manager, was appointed Acting CEO. The initial process to replace Moshashane was reversed upon the intervention of cabinet. While there were press reports last year about former Deputy CEO of the Citizen Entrepreneurial Development Agency, Lesego Solotate, having been appointed CEO, Sunday Standard learns that his name was subsequently rejected by cabinet which has the final say in the appointment of parastatal CEOs.
Mokubung managed to get such approval which is why he will be leaving his CA job as Director of Competition and Research Analysis at the end of this month and heading to Selebi Phikwe. Before joining CA, he worked at the now defunct Botswana Technology Centre (Botec as it was more commonly known) where he rose from Senior Economist to Head of Technology Assessment and Economic Planning. He holds a PhD in Technology and Innovation Management from the University of Manchester, an MPhil in Monetary Economics from the University of Glasgow (both in the United Kingdom) as well as a BA in Economics and Statistics from the University of Botswana.
SPEDU was established following a study on the town’s economic diversification that was commissioned through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning with funding from the European Union. The study recommended the establishment of a diversification unit to spearhead the implementation of the regeneration programme proposed for Selebi Phikwe. Afterwards, SPEDU was established as a regional economic development agency in 2008 through a presidential directive. Its functions are to manage the diversification programme; identify projects and progress them to potential investors; work with existing project promoters and with government in respect of public sector projects; help promote and enhance the image of Selebi Phikwe and identify and secure outside technical assistance to carry out feasibility studies and other specialised tasks.