Friday, February 14, 2025

Motivating your child to learn

Have you ever wondered why your child is reluctant to do his/her assignments? Some children pretend to be sick or will make up any excuse just not to attend classes.

Most teachers agree that a de-motivated child is the most difficult pupil to teach. They are grumpy, confused and do not co-operate. The reason could be because they lack motivation. Like adults in the workplace, children need motivation to perform better at school. Here are a few hints that will help you motivate your child to learn.

Explain to your child the value of education. Create time and have an open discussion on what your child can do with a good education. We tend to perform better when we know why we have to do what we are doing. Never underestimate your child’s ability to comprehend matters of life. The more you talk about it, the more it will be engraved in their hearts from a tender age and they will adopt a more dedicated and determinant attitude towards school.

Try to discover subjects that interest your child and show enthusiasm in what he/she finds fascinating. If your child enjoys animal sciences buy books that incline towards that. You will discover they will spend time reading those books and will be eager to share content read. This will cultivate a culture of reading from a very young age. Prove to your child that knowledge is attained through books. Do not force your child to read history books just because you enjoy them.

Provide your child with opportunities that support different styles of learning. Expose your child to audio and visual learning materials. Play games that are mind challenging, such as puzzle and block building. Show interest in educational programs on television. While watching, discuss content with your child and challenge them to express their feelings.

Ask what your child is learning at school. Do not put much emphasis on scores or tests results rather ask about what they find challenging and assist when you can or find a tutor to assist. You can even ask your child to teach you what they have learnt. Discussing about concepts taught will help your child retain what they learnt. This will make them feel in control and will encourage them to listen more during lessons. Applaud and praise your child for small things, like writing neatly or keeping their books tidy.

Engage the family in activities that encourage learning, such as planting a garden together or baking a cake. Ask your child to read aloud the recipe and ask them to explain what you should do. Make the activity fun and exciting.

Celebrate achievements no matter how small. Praise your child for stars in their exercise books or well done cards. Express this to other family members. Recognition plays a pivotal role in motivating adults so it does to children as well.

Reward your child for good results or test grades with simple small things. Avoid buying big gifts as rewards, as this can lead to complexes such as fear of failure, which can affect the child’s behaviour and confidence in progression with life. When results are not so pleasing do not yell or scream rather encourage your child to try harder and try to understand what they find challenging.

Avoid comparing your children. Always know just like how your children’s fingerprints are different so is their minds. Children’s capabilities are different. Comparing your child with another will put pressure on them to attain results like that child and when they fail to achieve, it de-motivates them. Accept your child as their own person and encourage them to be the best person they can be. Consider what you say to your child even when you are angry. Words can destroy or construct your child emotionally thereby affecting their progression in studies.

Encourage your child to express their feelings and opinions. Ensure there is no bulling or teasing happening at school. What happens at school will motivate or de-motivate your child to learn.
Attend school functions and meetings. This will show your child that school is important. Relate with your child’s teacher regularly and know how your child is progressing.

Do not crowd your child’s day with schedules of learning activities. Just as how adults need to relax so do children. Rather, children need time to play. Playing time encourages discovery and develops a child’s brain. However, ensure they enjoy their childhood while achieving good grades at school. Leave interesting and colourful books in play areas around the home. Children will be curious to find out what is in the book. In turn, your child will develop a healthy relationship with books.

Motivating a child to learn begins at home. Create a conducive environment that will encourage your child to learn. Children tend to be discouraged when they are the only one expected to learn.

Learning is an on-going process. Invest in good books and read while your child is studying.
Most children find pleasure in pleasing their parents. Your child will stay motivated to learn if you are enthusiastic about learning. The mind is the driving force behind our actions. Put your children in the right frame of mind by motivating them.

As parents, caregivers and teachers, it is our role to motivate our children to love learning. They are our future leaders.


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