Saturday, February 8, 2025

Ngamiland farmers resolve to fight FMD

Ngamiland farmers have resolved that government should replace the current type of cordon fence being used to separate cattle and buffaloes in the foot and mouth ravaged Ngamiland with cable fence to thwart movement of buffaloes, which are carriers of foot and mouth disease.

This was said by Phillip Wright, Haina Veldt Farmers Association chairman, during presentation of resolutions to some Ministers at Maun’s kgotla recently. They also resolved that communal grazing land should be divided into blocks to monitor cattle movement and that farmers should contribute to make this happen.

The Farmers Association also advised the government to move the cordon fence from flood plains so as to make it easy for veterinary services officers to maintain it.

Currently, DVS officers say that at times, such as the current one, when the Okavango is flooding, it is not possible for them to maintain the fence, which makes it easy for buffaloes to cross into grazing areas and spread foot and mouth.

The Association also called for more consultation between farmers and the DVS during vaccination times and that the two stakeholders should make sure that even stray cattle are vaccinated.
The Association said that the public should also be taught the effects of FMD on the economy of an individual and of the country at large.

Ngamiland farmers are currently not able to sell their cattle because of the outbreak of FMD, which last month broke out in Kareng. This is reported to have increased the number of destitute in the district.


Read this week's paper