Poor roads in Okavango region are posing problems for Maun Botswana Meat Commission as it is difficult to transport cattle to the abattoir in shortest possible time and some cattle get injured whilst being transported to the abattoir, said Tiro Kganela, the BMC Public Relations Officer.
He said that transporting cattle from Beetsha to Mohembo, for instance, is 163 kilometres on a bad road, which takes 5 hours, leading to cattle getting tired in trucks then trying to lay down which results in them getting injured.
To resolve this problem, Kganela said that they are considering the option of offloading them at Kauxwi so that they could rest after the long journey then reload the following day but that they will have to discuss this matter with the Department of Veterinary Services, which oversees cattle movements in the country.
He further explained that the option also has problems as there is a risk of cattle escaping from kraals and the need for labour in loading and offloading cattle will come at a cost a cost to the Commission. In all, cattle are transported for a total of 555 kilometres from cattle posts in Beetsha to Maun.
Maun BMC is currently only slaughtering cattle from Okavango.