Friday, February 7, 2025

Private guard foils break into Boko’s house

A security guard has foiled another attempted break-in at the house of the leader of Botswana National Front (BNF), Duma Boko.

Boko is also President of the Umbrella for the Democratic Change (UDC).

Police in Tlokweng are appealing to members of the public to assist them with information ┬áthat could lead to the arrest of unknown assailants who attempted to break into Boko’s house.

Tlokweng police station commander superintendent Robson Maleke┬áexplained that last week unknown culprits attempted to enter Boko’s residential house in Lenganeng ward in Tlokweng.

He said the suspects cut off the electric fence but fortunately the security guard foiled their intentions. 
Maleke stated that only the electric fence was damaged.

He indicated that so far they have not yet arrested any one in connection with the matter.

“I am appealing to members of the public to assist the police with information that could lead to the arrest of the suspects,” he said.
When contacted for comment Boko confirmed that his security guard has foiled the attempted break-in.
He said the alleged suspects cut off the security fence and managed to drop inside his compound but could not make any further advances towards his house.

He said the suspects then jumped out and disappeared in to the dark. He stated that the police who were called responded quickly in large numbers with some of them armed.
“I really applaud the police for the job well done because they reacted promptly.

Boko said he does not know why the criminals target his house.

He added that he did not want to speculate whether such disturbing and life threatening acts might be politically motivated.
Boko said this is the second incident in which an intruder broke into his house.  He further said though he cannot guarantee his safety, he has reinforced his security at his house.

“I want leaders to be extra vigilant,” he warned.


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