Sunday, February 16, 2025

Samsung remains focused on African market ÔÇô CEO

Antalya, Turkey┬áÔÇô The Chief Executive Officer of Samsung Electronics, S.Y .Hong said Friday that the multinational electronic company remains focused on providing the African market with innovative products that are driven by consumer needs.
Speaking at the annual Africa forum in the Turkish city of Antalya, Hong said Samsung will in 2015 and beyond introduce a range of products that will contribute to Africa’s ongoing transformation in the consumer electronics space.
“Last year we introduced our intent into Africa: One Beat. It embodies the spirit of overcoming challenges and moving towards a vision of togetherness across the continent,” said Hong. “Part of this is maintaining focus on providing our African consumers with innovative products that are driven by consumer needs and passions.”
Last year Samsung Electronics said that it expects its revenue growth in Africa to slow sharply this year as the continent begins to succumb to the delayed effects of global economic weakness. The South Korean company has achieved annual revenue growth of up to 60 percent across the continent in recent years through its aggressive sales push on products that include phones, fridges, televisions and air conditioners.

However, Africa’s economic growth of more than five percent through the crisis has come largely on the back of national infrastructure
At the same time, available figures shows that┬áSamsung’s African workforce has more than tripled to about 1,100 people in the past four years as a result of its successes. Samsung executives said at the forum that the giant electronic company’s expansion will focus on the continent’s growing consumer base as more Africans migrate to urban centres for jobs. From 2015, Hong says all new Samsung Smart TVs, including the SUHD will be powered by Tizen, an open source platform that supports web standards for App TV development.

“Most importantly, it ensures that customers will have access to a much broader range of Smart TV content and services”. ┬áThe South Korean company, with stores in Botswana remains one of the leading global companies engaged in supply of technologies, TVs, smartphones, wearable devices, tablets, cameras, digital appliances, printers, medical equipment, network systems, and semiconductor and LED solutions. The company employs 307,000 people across 84 countries with annual sales of US $196 billion.┬á


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