Wednesday, February 12, 2025

SHHA loan defaulters worry Central District Council

With arrears of almost P3 million, the Central District Council (CDC) is concerned with the increasing Self Help Housing Agency (SHHA) loan default rates.

Addressing a press conference in Tonota last week, CDC Council Secretary, Gothaetse Dipholo, expressed disappointment over scheme beneficiaries who are not repaying their loans as the failure to repay impeded on the rolling out of the scheme to prospective beneficiaries. This is despite the council’s concerted efforts in sensitizing and educating beneficiaries on the importance of repaying.

“If beneficiaries do not repay their loans, it becomes difficult for CDC to help those who are in need of SHHA loans as this is a revolving fund,” said Dipholo, adding that the P3 million owed in arrears was a lot of money that could help more people build houses through the scheme.
He revealed that his council is owed P2.9 million in arrears.

Dipholo said despite their house to house campaigns, sensitizing the public on the importance of repaying the loans, efforts have not borne fruit. He added that the rising cost of building materials is another challenge facing his council in addition to water supply shortages.

Speaking on development projects in the district, Dipholo said that since February 2004, the CDC, in conjunction with the Ministry of Local Government, has made tremendous achievements in reducing the classrooms building backlog in 65 schools.

“Under the primary schools facilities backlog eradication programme, CDC has managed to construct a total of 181 classrooms, 377 LA2 houses and 329 waterborne toilets in 9 cubicle toilet blocks in 65 out of 235 primary schools at a total cost of P288 184 029 93,” he said.

Among other achievements, Dipholo said that CDC had managed to complete internal roads such as the Serowe internal roads, Tonota Bus Rank and internal roads and Letlhakane internal roads. He said other road projects are still at a design phase with some on the construction phase. He further said that the council had succeeded in the construction of the destitute houses under its social welfare and development programme and the President Housing Appeal initiative.

“The implementation of the construction of 56 destitute housing projects under social welfare and development programme and His Excellency Housing appeal programme have been funded to the tune of P4, 480, 000 under capital expenditure, respectively, for the financial year 2011/2012,” said the council secretary.

He added that by the end of last month, 31 houses had been completed and handed over to beneficiaries while 19 houses are at the completion stage. He also said the Ipelegeng project in the district is going very well.


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