Friday, October 11, 2024

The buffoonery in our leadership is legendary

There’s never a dull moment in our politics. There are times when I would intend to write something positive about our politicians only for them to derail me with their political vagaries. The actions taken and decisions made by some of our political leaders amaze and amuse me at the same time. I get really frustrated and exasperated at the rate people in positions of power make irrational decisions with no slight observation for altruism. Michael Jackson was so right: They don’t really care about us. I also laugh at the childish behavior displayed by some of our politicians. Yes, it should not be laughable for it is disgraceful. Some of our leaders easily pass for the cast of some comical rendition. I watch and listen to the likes of Pono Moatlhodi and all I get reminded of is Ibu the Nigerian comedian.

It’s sad to see grownups put their brains on pause mode. It’s actually dangerous. I worry when people in positions of power abuse their privileges and make unilateral decisions to the advantage of a select few and at the expense of the entire populace. There is an entrenchment of some ‘fuck off’ attitude in our political leadership. They don’t give a hoot about our expectations on them as they run the affairs of our country. A lot has happened in the past week and thankfully, or sadly, Batswana being the ‘none of my business’ nation that they are, they surely couldn’t be bothered with what transpired at parliament last Thursday, even as it affects the integrity of the law-making house mandated with drawing up the terms and conditions of how Batswana must live and die, literally.

Pono Moatlhodi reduced parliament proceedings to a circus show while President Khama (ab) used powers bestowed on him to fuel more speculation and allegations of his direct control and personal meddling over the operations of the DIS and DCEC. He shockingly, but not surprisingly, transferred the two organizations from the ministry of Defence, Justice and Security to the Ministry of State President, thus bringing them under the ambit of his cockatoo ,Mokgweetsi Masisi.

‘Triple P’ the parliamentary clown was at his peak this past week, dishing out what he cooks best: theatricals. The conduct, last Thursday, of the Deputy Speaker of Parliament and MP for one of the Tonota constituencies, PPP Moatlhodi erodes the integrity of parliament and diminishes, for MP’s, the prestige that comes with being an MP. Moatlhodi shamelessly ignored standing orders and treated MP’s like a bunch of ball boys who are just servitudes expected to run and collect balls without askance at his off-the-pitch shots. The MP’s got into a bit of a slanging match all thanks to Moatlhodi’s craving for some shoe polish. His bootlicking habits overpowered his conscience and wisdom. His addiction to licking ‘boTate’s boots saw him bend parliamentary standing orders just so the wishes of President Khama can prevail over those of MP’s . We know too well the floor crossing bill has the blessings of President Khama and it is for this reason Moatlhodi was so under pressure to have Khama’ s will done in parliament by hook or by crook.

The following day, the boastful and ever childish Moatlhodi was on radio trying to defend his actions. Listening to his gibberish one could not stop feeling sorry for this nation for being cursed with such shallow-minded, reckless and careless representatives in parliament. What a disgrace to have the Deputy Speaker of parliament tell the whole nation that he couldn’t follow his own wisdom or that of the parliamentary counsel and had to adjourn parliament and consult ‘elders’. Who are Moatlhodi’s elders apart from those he left back in Tonota?

Does this imply Moatlhodi doesn’t view himself as an elder and a competent speaker of the national assembly capable of making decisions at his own discretion? Why was it necessary for Moatlhodi to ignore the advice of the parliamentary counsel and seek that of the ‘elders’ who know zilch about the law and never attend parliament sessions? We can’t be fooled by Moatlhodi for we know the ‘elders’ he wanted to consult. It couldn’t have been the Attorney General because there is already a lawyer from the AG’s chambers seconded to parliament. Moatlhodi clearly wanted to consult the elders who gave him a lease of political life when he was on the verge of being kicked out of the BDP. He wanted to know the president’s take on the issue so he could implement his will.

During the radio interview, Moatlhodi was asked about his views on having an impartial speaker of the national assembly who is not aligned to any political party and I was shocked at his asinine response to the question. Moatlhodi says Margaret Nasha does not belong to any political party. Now you see how Moatlhodi takes us for morons. I mean, who doesn’t know Mma Nasha’s political affiliation? And to her credit, Mma Nasha doesn’t come across as a bootlicker or someone who would break written down procedures to please a few people in the BDP leadership.

And then there is President Khama and his endless surprises. As the nation was complaining about the operations of the government media and how its reportage was biased towards the BDP, Khama moved it to the Ministry of State President and even promoted Kaboeamodimo as a reward for his utterances that a line can’t be drawn between government and BDP. The champion of office romance was promoted immediately after making it clear he will continue to take orders from Tsholetsa House. Now as murmurs of Khama’s direct influence on the operations of the DIS get high-pitched, the president last week moved the DIS and DCEC from their rightful ministry of Defence, Justice and Security to the Ministry of State President. Even though the organizations owe their existence to enactments of parliament, Khama finds no reason to consult the MP’s, who are basically the creators of the said bodies. Though I understand the frustration that MP’s must be going through as the Executive continues to treat them like henpecked husbands, I feel it serves them right. Surely there is a way that MP’s can stamp their authority over the executive but they have since relegated themselves to being puppets that raise fingers only at the instigation of their masters. Their fear to seek explanations from Khama is not good for this nation. I’m sorry to say this but our parliament is loaded with useless, hopeless, spineless and good for nothing men and women. How do they fear just one man like that when he occupies that office at their behest? The actions of both the deputy speaker and the president are a coup de grace to our already soiled democracy.


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