There are some among us who say that the reason why many women over 30 in Botswana are either still unmarried or have failed marriages is because they are exposed to “spirit beings” that have sexual relations with them.
It is alleged that through dreams, men and women are visited by these “spirit beings” that have sexual relations with them. It is made worse in that the “spiritual husband or wife” requires exclusiveness so there is no room for a “physical human” husband or wife.
“The marine kingdom or demonic spiritual husbands or wives are evil spirits, also called “thokoloshe” in Setswana language. They are solely meant to torment people. The spirits are found in caves, mountains or seas. Once exposed to the spirit, it cannot be ignored because the same feeling that one experiences during sexual intercourse is the same feeling that you will have after the experience,” explains Prophet Patrick Ramocha, from Share the Fire Ministries.
A fully-committed church member at one of the Pentecostal churches in Gaborone, who did not wish to be named, shared her story with us.
“I was married to a loving husband in 2007. My marriage went sour and called for a divorce late 2010. It all started out when I became exposed to a spirit husband. I did not take it seriously at first but the situation became worse and I sought help from my church pastor that is when, after telling him what I normally experience when asleep, I was told I had a spiritual husband.”
She continued: “With my husband next to me, I was manipulated to reach orgasm via dream life spiritual state. In no time the whole process is off. Upon waking up, I would discover that I had wet myself but without having had any sexual contact with my husband. Since the spirit is a jealousy spirit, I was never in the mood to interact with my husband sexually. It was difficult and sad for me and my husband called for a divorce as he thought that I was cheating on him with other man,” she said.
Ramocha stated that women of all ages are exposed to these demonic spirits because they always confess their experiences more than men do, even though men are also affected.
Sexual immorality is regarded as the most common cause, not leaving out traditional rituals especially those performed when one is still young. The spirit is said to then abuse an individual from childhood years, causing visits to traditional doctors, especially for assistance in cases of bareness and marital problems.
“Because it is a spirit, only the powers that come from the Kingdom of Light through the name of Jesus can cast out such demonic spirits. To avoid this or to be rid of it, people should stay away from sexual immorality, such as adultery and fornication,” said Ramocha.