Saturday, September 14, 2024

BCP Statements on Current Developments in Zimbabwe

Since the year 2000, we in the BCP have warned of the impending crisis in Zimbabwe. We actively engaged the Zimbabwean High Commissioner in Botswana and, on numerous occasions, we implored SADC leaders to actively engage Mugabe and abandon the untenable strategy of silent diplomacy. For eight years now, Robert Mugabe has violated all known norms of democracy entrenched in regional, continental and International Instruments. Mugabe has rigged elections; brutalized political opponents; muzzled the press; harassed the judiciary and unleashed terror on the Zimbabwean people with impunity.

SADC and the African Union have watched helplessly as one man with the aid of a politicized military and police force condemn millions of people to starvation, suffering and fear of unprecedented levels. In the countdown to the presidential run-off scheduled for June 27, 2008, Mugabe unleashed wanton violence on all opponents. His ZANU-PF supporters continued to kill, maim and beat opposition supporters. Mugabe diabolically precipitated a crisis that rendered a free and fair election impossible. MDC formally and legitimately withdrew from the election run off and Mugabe had a free reign to run down Zimbabwe both economically and politically. It is without doubt that Zimbabwe, as it stands, is a failed state under the stranglehold of an unrepentant dictator.

It is against this backdrop that we in the BCP strongly advocate for a tough multi-pronged intervention that shall involve individual countries, SADC, AU and the United Nations. Such intervention should be swift and should encompass the following:

The Government of Botswana should take the lead and cut diplomatic ties with Zimbabwe within days. The Government should recall the Botswana High Commissioner in Zimbabwe and request his Zimbabwean counterpart in Botswana to leave immediately.

The Government of Botswana should actively lobby other governments in the region, in Africa and the International community to mount political and economic sanctions on Zimbabwe.

The SADC Organ on Security and Defense should convene immediately and assess the feasibility of employing extra-diplomatic tactics to force Mugabe to step down as President of Zimbabwe.
Both the African Union and SADC should expel Zimbabwe from their membership
The United Nations should declare Zimbabwe a failed state that requires special humanitarian, economic and structural rehabilitation.

It is time that Africa gets tough with despots such as Mugabe. Commitments made by Member States of the African Union should be translated into tangible outcomes. Transgressors must receive sanctions. Rogue leaders and delinquent states should be made to account or face isolation. Failure to act decisively shall perpetuate the skepticism that the World holds about Africa and we shall forever remain marginal in the Global Community of Nations.

*Taolo Lucas is BCP Secretary General


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