Sunday, September 8, 2024

BMD employs new tactics to raise funds and reach out to people

The Botswana Movement for Democracy (BMD) seems determined to set the pace for other political parties as they continue to come up with initiatives never utilized before by other political parties in reaching out to the electorate and raising funds.

In a bid aimed at raising funds for the party, a group of BMD’s fundraising strategists organized a 20 kilometer sponsored walk in Gaborone last weekend.

The walk, with a theme “Walk for Democracy”, preceded the final star rally for the party this year, which was held on the same Saturday.

The walk took off at Bophirima Grounds in Gaborone West and meandered through the streets of New Stance, Bontleng, White City, Phase 2 and back to Bophirima freedom square.

The walk attracted hundreds of BMD supporters and well wishers as well as BMD Members of Parliament.
According to one of the organizers, Sean Rasebotsa, the sponsored walk was a great success in that it had achieved all its intended purposes.

“It exceeded our expectations and we hope to have another one in Francistown in the New Year,” said Rasebotsa in an interview with The Sunday Standard.

Rasebotsa says the intention is to take the walk to other parts of the country and raise awareness and funds for the party. Even though the whole amount raised through the sponsored walk had not been calculated at the time of going to press, Rasebotsa was confident that it was a substantial amount. The kitty is expected to help the party meet its financial obligations. The sponsored walk was well organized and more preparations were spent on the logistics.

“As you might have realized, we had an ambulance from Med Rescue which was on standby throughout the walk and ready for every eventuality,” said the walk coordinator, Fana David Mabutho.

There were points of services every 5 kilometers where walkers were served with oranges and bottled water. There were also marshals who stood at all the junctions to direct the walkers.


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