Friday, February 14, 2025

BMD grassroots call for special congress

Botswana Movement for Democracy (BMD) Constituency Branch Committees this week wrote to the party National Executive Committee demanding that a special congress be called to resolve the animosity in the party leadership.

This is in line with the party constitution that at least twenty Branch Committees or 1/3 should give support or endorse the call for a special congress through signed letters.

The letters should be handed to the party secretary general; when the letters reach the required threshold the secretary general is then expected to convene a National Executive Committee meeting to set a date for a special congress.

BMD secretary general Gilbert Mangole this week however denied receiving any letter from a BMD Constituency Branch Committee. He told Sunday Standard that he has picked up rumours about the letters but is yet to receive them.

However Mangole confirmed that he heard through grapevine that such letters exist but he is not aware who has the letters. Member of Parliament for Mogoditshane Sedirwa Kgoroba is understood to be compiling the letters which he will pass on to Mangole once they have reached the stipulated threshold.

Kgoroba confirmed receiving the letters from the Branch committees saying they have already surpassed the required threshold.

“Yes we have the letters from branch committees supporting the call for a special congress, the letters already surpass the required threshold of 1/3,” said Kgoroba.


Read this week's paper