Sunday, February 9, 2025

Cash disappears from Bank of Botswana

At least two currency sorters at Bank of Botswana are at the centre of police investigations after the Bank discovered that there could be some money missing.

The money is said to be all in P200 denominations.  

Information reaching this publication suggests that the Serious Crime Squad has launched intensive investigations at the Bank of Botswana following the mysterious disappearance of money that was supposed to have been loaded and counted by the machine.
The two suspects were last week served with suspension letters so that they cannot interfere with police investigations. 

Officer commanding at Serious Crime Squad detective senior superintendent, Richard Bareedi, said his station is investigating a case in which some money at the Bank of Botswana was reported missing few days ago.

“Our investigation has just commenced therefore the investigations are still at the initial stage in which I am reluctant to disclose how much is in question,” he said.

He said that currently they do not have any prime suspects as the investigations are still continuing.

“I am not in a good position to indicate how many people we have so far interviewed regarding the matter,” he said.
Baraedi stated that though the investigations are still at the infancy stage he is hopeful that in due course they will be in a better position to reveal what could have transpired.    

When contacted for comment Bank of Botswana spokesperson Andrew Sesinyi said “we have noticed a discrepancy and consistent with transparency norms we have indeed called in the police to eliminate foul play whilst out reconciliation process continues.”

Regarding the suspension of officers, Sesinyi indicated that “my clarification is that it is normal procedure to exclude officers directly involved in the initial reconciliation process in order to ascertain proper checks and balances.┬á At this stage, it cannot be concluded that the discrepancy suggests missing money.”

He said the missing money in question is about P200 000.


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