The current political scene in Zimbabwe is chaotic, obscene and downright irresponsible. Never has greed had so many mouths, eyes and fingers.
The country is suffering because of men and women who put themselves before a nation they are supposed to be serving.
Our political leaders have become proud clowns performing before a starving nation.
Zimbabwe’s politics is run by longtime thieves-in-arms who have come to believe that Zimbabwe is their personal preserve, along both tribal and family lines.
They fake getting out of each other’s way; they fake firing each other from their political parties then fake re-admitting the prodigal children back, pretending they had seen the light anew.
They are always on a mission whether in or outside Zanu-Pf.
The political situation in Zimbabwe has poisoned the way of life for most Zimbabweans who have given up on solutions through the ballot box and who have no access to any assistance but have to beg Mugabe’s party for food.
Painfully, the situation openly shows the greed and the lack of civility among our politicians. No one cares for the nation’s well-being or the people’s welfare; none of them cares about the children, the elderly of the infirm.
They come from the same stem and they are all the same.
Mugabe and his Zanu-Pf put themselves well ahead of the suffering people who are paying their wages through selling tomatoes and vegetables since the time when they forced companies to start laying off people, shutting down and or relocating to friendlier countries.
The political scene constantly changes yet the actors remain the same over generations. Half a century of the same mediocrity, greed and abuse …and still counting.
Mugabe sidelined or expelled big men and women from his Zanu-Pf. The likes of former Cabinet minister and Governor Cephas Msipa, former Vice President Joyce Mujuru, former State security minister Didymus Mutasa, former War veterans leader Jabulani Sibanda, former Zanu-Pf spokesperson Rugare Gumbo and others.
Each one of them has, at one time or other, wronged us or taken advantage of the masses yet none of them cares to even apologise to the nation.
Yes, all of them may talk all they want like they are doing; they may reveal all the “secrets” they purport to know but they are only saying so because they were all sidelined or expelled from the party for one reason or other. None of them walked away from Mugabe; it is only after Mugabe walked away from them that they started talking.
They busk in their self-created limelight asking us to follow them under different names and organisations because they no longer have a home and home is being among people who accept you as one of theirs.
My microscope fails to distinguish the differences among Mugabe (Zanu-Pf), Joice Mujuru and Didymus Mutasa (Zimbabwe People First), Simba Makoni (Mavambo) and all those new political leaders with new political parties.
At one time or other, we have all gone through hell at the hands of these people yet none of them acknowledges the bad things they did; none of them apologises; none of them admits any wrong doing. They just want us to accept them and cheer them to higher political levels. The arrogance!
Mugabe still dreams that he is popular among Zimbabweans and that he is still president because the people want him.
The bugger cares little about people he killed and those murdered in his name; he does not think or acknowledge the atrocities he committed.
He insults us by insisting that we love him. He went to Japan last week and outlined how Zimbabweans love him afterdozing off on his feet as Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe was addressing the media standing next to Mugabe.
It is clear that Mugabe himself is now just as much a victim of his own creations as the people are.
Because of his recklessness and his ignorant worshippers from various tribes, I am upset that sections of our nation, our fellow citizens, now have the temerity to accuse other tribes of genocide and are agitating for secession.
But Zimbabwe is not Nigeria.
The nation has an enemy in its president and, yes, in his family too. To seek parceling out sections of Zimbabwe to small tribes because of Mugabe is a ridiculous thing and will not happen.
Zimbabwe does not belong to Robert Mugabe. What this fool did to our nation should never be blamed on any tribe although there is an understandable excuse to single out his family and other chosen few as benefactors.
We never shall accept or promote the idea that because of Mugabe, Zimbabweans are tribalists.
Yet, sadly, all the bickering and shenanigans we see in Zanu-Pf are, at their core, tribal maneuverings because we have certain kinds of people accustomed to high life owing to their patronage to Mugabe through, yes, tribal camaraderie.
All the political parties who want us to follow them have a reason for their existence and none of those reasons have anything to do with the love to serve the people of Zimbabwe. It is not civics; it is financial.
Some, like Zimbabwe People First, want revenge against Zanu-Pf more than they care for our well-being. However, they must first, on their own, itemise their crimes and apologise to the people.
Some, like Zanu-Pf’s G40, want the status core to continue for their advantage so as to preserve what they have stolen from the people and the nation and to protect their ill-gotten wealth.
Others, like the MDC formations, just want an opportunity to do to Zimbabwe what Mugabe continues to do to the nation. We have seen their hand during the government of national unity and it is not impressive.
For example, what political or ideological differences exist among Tendai Biti (People’s Democratic Party), Morgan Tsvangirai (MDC-T), Welshman Ncube (MDC-N) and Elton Mangoma (Renewal Democrats Of Zimbabwe)?
These people left a political party they formed together and established their own parties yet are the same ones talking about “grand coalition”. They failed to work together when they belonged to the same political party but now, having established different political parties believe they can come to some kind of understanding and succeed in working together. Are you kidding me?
Some of those expelled by Mugabe are aching to rejoin him in Zanu-Pf because they cannot stomach the loss of income; others, like Mutasa, are rumoured to be quietly mulling a return to Zanu-Pf after helping to form a breakaway party from Mugabe’s Zanu-Pf.
All political players on stage are all the same so it really does not matter who succeeds Mugabe. It is not civics; it is financial.
Mutasa reminds me so much of Botsalo Ntuane ÔÇô show your power by breaking away and taking as many people with you as you can then come back with a bang to get preferential treatment. It is cheap; but it is politics.
Young, brilliant and innovative as he is, Ntuane is young enough to outgrow any political scars he brings on himself; Mutasa, at 81, knows only one home and counts himself mighty lucky if he got there before the cows come home.